Save week necessary?
My alliance has this rule that once every two weeks we can't open any crystals and level up champs and score must be below 3K.Its a bit irritating that I can't level up champs as my iso is going to expire.Do you think its necessary?
The difference in this case would be:
200 5* shards, 400 4* shards x2 each for reaching 250k milestone both weeks =
= 400 5* shards and 800 4* shards
500 5* shards and 500 4* shards for reaching 500k milestone PLUS 100 5* shards and 250 4* shards from lowest bracket in rank rewards =
= 600 5* shards and 750 4* shards
so in this case, it's a plus of 200 5* shards, a minus of 50 4* shards, and you get 2 lvl2 alliance team revives and 1 t1a instead of 4 lvl2 alliance team potions.