What is your Stand Out Moment of the past 4 years of MCoC?

I'll start this off
My stand out moment has to be the Ant Man arena with Pym Particles, that was a refreshing take on arena.
My stand out moment has to be the Ant Man arena with Pym Particles, that was a refreshing take on arena.
I grew as a player and progressed faster than I ever had in a single month.
All time though is hard to pick from the years. ROL when it was still an hard(4* r4 SW pre 12.0 got that done for me), Act 4 first pass when I only had 1 r4 4* and it was YJ. Act V uncollected before uncollected was a thing and all we knew was grandmasters favor(I remember getting nothing at first and being so disappointed).
Sadly it pulled a Thor Ragnarok, but the fact the rift actually gave me something good was a highlight.
But, having said that..
Kabam has made some awesome things;
- shards
- that one time-Thanos (gauntlet) event (one lane and a challenging boss that is not beefed up by lazy design i.e; biohazard nodes et al)
- EQs like the intel quest, the uncollected difficulty, "uncollected" and "Cavalier" upgrade (whats with 3*s in the cavalier crystals though, even 4* ain't worth much at the point of the game when u are a "Cavalier")
- Alliances and Alliance based gameplay (AW and AQ).
after duplicating starlord, i tried RoL just for fun and i actually ended up completing it
(And looking back, don't cha just love the IMIW tease there...)
Coming back to game after few months and getting blade (4*) in 1st featured crystals crystals i opened.
Man those were the days even 4* were so fun to get and gave a smile of happiness
. Now even 6* ghost doesnt make me happy. I thrived on every content (act5 100%,labyrinth completion,rttl,etc) but variant has brought me back to the quitting line. Such BS it doesnt even feel worth while to get 100% explorations,i do one path and that makes me want to quit this game!!!still no where near to ch1 100%!! Atleast i got completion on it luckily or it would b a total waste
Infinity War Thanos
The boss was so engaging as a Fight. The scenes were awesome and the Aspect buffs were challenging but manageable