Gifting Badge Discussion [Merged Threads]



  • Iron_web93Iron_web93 Member Posts: 53
    Mrmcsexy said:

    I paid real money for this gifting badge. I want my real money back. Not 300 stupid in game units. That was the only reason i bought that dumb package. I want my $30 back since you are changing what was supposed to be a permenant addition

    Are you prepared to also give them back the 850 units + the 300 they just gave you?
  • TX1600TX1600 Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2019
    I know it’s been said 1000 times, but I will say it 1001st time again. I paid $46 in my country. For A lot of people it’s a lot of money. To me it’s 10% of my weekly pay. And I get 300 units?? Is this a joke?? And the fact that you KNEW that the purchase history doesn’t go back further than 6?months. (Of course you know this, how can u run a multi million dollar company without knowing that?!) I bought this GB with the tony starks briefcase offer on July 4th 2017.
    I guess I won’t be able to prove that since you already know I can’t.
    Well how else would I have gotten it?? You know every offer that sold this GB cost at minimum $46 AUD
    I’m not accepting your 300 units, either put the equivalent amount in units or send me an iTunes card or something that’s worth $46.
    It’s unacceptabke, and I’m very disappointed. I love this game and how you made it so far, it has becone my hobby. But now It seems like you have made millions from it and u don’t care about us, the consumer.

    Also, didn’t you anticipate that this could have happened when U released the GB? What happened to fraud prevention prior to releasing a product. Like I said very disappointing.
  • Rhysi0_Rhysi0_ Member Posts: 18
    Why does anyone expect anything different...they can keep their 300 units...I want what I paid for....
  • MedjarMedjar Member Posts: 8
    This is rediculous
  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★

    DoodLuv said:

    Bait and Switch Kabam

    You are the Fraudsters here.

    Make no mistake

    You can’t honesty sit there and make this Kabams’s the people using this feature for nefarious means that caused this. Yes the value we got sucks and it’s not a good position to be in, but this isn’t a bait and switch. It’s not like they sold us this with intent to take it back, that is the definition of bait and switch.
    It's not their fault (bait and switch wise) but I can't defend them robbing us of 30 dollars. Nobody wants those funky 300 units. This some straight bull.
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    They did say they might bring it back in the future...
  • RedeyerudyRedeyerudy Member Posts: 2
    Wth??? And for those who spended masses of money and units the correct way gets also punished with only 300 units?? I dont get it i spended way more money in this then 300 damn units =/ its a total rip off
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Tell me, did you use the 850 Units you got? Seems to me no one robbed anyone of $30.
  • JetenyoJetenyo Member Posts: 140
    Jetenyo said:

    If Gifting returns will all those who already had it have it again?

    If yes, 300 units is a nice compensation in the short term and we can look forward to gifting in the future.

    If No, A full refund should be provided to those who purchased the gifting badge since what they purchased is no longer being provided. Or something of equal value at the very least.

    I'm sure in the subtext somewhere Kabam has the right to just take everything back and we can't do anything about it. I doubt anyone has actually read the Terms before posting on this thread, I know I haven't. I'll just have to hope instead of being dirtbags Kabam will actually try to do right by the customer.

    Bad news all, if you read the ToS they got this covered, last update was also prior to today so it's not like they changed it to match.

    Let's enjoy our 300 Units I guess...
  • WabobaWaboba Member Posts: 271 ★★
    Apple has joined the chat.
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  • WabobaWaboba Member Posts: 271 ★★
    edited March 2019

    Waboba said:

    So how did people abuse it?

    They created a second account and bought the gifting badge so they could keep sending potions, energy reffils etc.. to the main account.
    What is strange to me is why has this never been adressed by the game team..people have done this since the introduction of the gifting badge, but now that act 6 just dropped, people are using this for potions and reffils, spending less money, and out off knowhere kabam realises that they are losing amount of cash, making them mad.
    Kabam should really reconsider how they are treating their costumers..
    And not even the 30$ the costumers spent was refunded.
    This is not correct. This is not the behaviour that we were concerned with. The Fraud we're talking about involved stolen information, and was harmful to people.
    @Kabam Miike , i was typing this before you addressed the situation, im hoping to be forgived.
  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    The only way to get the badge permanently was to spend 30 dollars? How is that not buying the badge?
  • MjolinarMjolinar Member Posts: 157 ★★
    Don’t respond to the trolls, just ignore them or they will close the thread.
  • crystaldsmithcrystaldsmith Member Posts: 471 ★★
    Long before this act of greed, I quit spending. I became solely f2p when I knew they'd never make decisions and offers that weren't for whales. The only way to have your voices be heard is to stop spending. They'll listen then. If you can send a ticket in and get a refund, good. I would absolutely try myself. I would love nothing more than a spending boycott against Kabam right after they churn out those discounts
  • RedeyerudyRedeyerudy Member Posts: 2
    This is really messed up spended a lot of money on the game and i only get 300 **** units back??? RIP OFF
  • MedjarMedjar Member Posts: 8
    Now you’ve taken that from us...
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  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 863 ★★★★
    People canyon see the b

    I'm honestly surprised that anyone is shocked at this. The game is rotten from the top down. Every season we see alliances who have been proven as cheats taking the top spots in AW and getting those sweet rewards. Bots in arena, mercs running quests, pilots, cc fraud.... yet kabam will only ever take the course of action that protects their bottom line. Why the sudden removal of gifting badges? Either they got hit with a huge reclaim from banks/credit card companies recently or they have seen how little the whales spent on 100% act 6.1 because they were getting gifted a ton of resources. But hey, as long as people keep spending, and they will, this will never change.

    Im no whale im not even a highly skilled player but 6.1 was by no means difficult i spent more units by a good margin just completing variant than I have in halfway exploring all of 6.1
  • Willyweins007Willyweins007 Member Posts: 3
    Realmente KABAM, não sei MAIS o que esperar das atitudes da empresa...
    300 unidades, nem de longe, compensa o nosso prejuízo...
    O certo, seria vocês punirem, QUEM age errado, e NÃO TODOS os jogadores...
    Cada vez, fico MAIS decepcionado, com o jogo...
    Já fui lesado, das MAIS variadas maneiras, neste jogo... E, SEMPRE é falha da empresa...
    Desde de que houve, a enxurrada de fragmentos de 5 estrelas, ONDE não houve equiparação da empresa, com TODOS os jogadores, percebo o favorecimento de alguns...
    Então, fico estarrecido, por cada vez, que há alguma mudança, por parte da empresa...
    Ela é SEMPRE contra os jogadores fiéis ao jogo...
    Decepcionado demais !!!
    E, 300 unidades não pagam a INSÍGNIA !!!
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Isman1998 said:

    DoodLuv said:

    Bait and Switch Kabam

    You are the Fraudsters here.

    Make no mistake

    You can’t honesty sit there and make this Kabams’s the people using this feature for nefarious means that caused this. Yes the value we got sucks and it’s not a good position to be in, but this isn’t a bait and switch. It’s not like they sold us this with intent to take it back, that is the definition of bait and switch.
    It's not their fault (bait and switch wise) but I can't defend them robbing us of 30 dollars. Nobody wants those funky 300 units. This some straight bull.
    I’m not saying it’s reasonable how they compensated us. But that person claiming “Classic Kabam” is just trying to start a fire. I believe we should get full value back, but this is not Kabams fault. Just how they are dealing with it.
  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★

    Tell me, did you use the 850 Units you got? Seems to me no one robbed anyone of $30.

    You're acting like they can't take the 850 units back and give us our money back. Stop trying to defend this. We have been robbed of 30 dollars. The community wants their money back.
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