Mastery/Roster 40LVL

Hello everyone!
I play the game for about 3 yrs but i got 100% active to it for 1.5 month. And there's my questions. Can you tell me if my masteries are good for my lvl? Can you suggest what champs I can upgrade to get better team?
Right now my top 5 is:
5* Angela 1/25 Unduped
4* X23 4/40 Unduped
4* Vision AOU 4/40 Unduped
4* Hulk 3/30 Duped
3* Black Widow 4/40 Duped
I use BW as good synergy with hulk (i think) 20% chance to stun using SP's.
I attach pics of my masteries and best champs for your evaluation.


I play the game for about 3 yrs but i got 100% active to it for 1.5 month. And there's my questions. Can you tell me if my masteries are good for my lvl? Can you suggest what champs I can upgrade to get better team?
Right now my top 5 is:
5* Angela 1/25 Unduped
4* X23 4/40 Unduped
4* Vision AOU 4/40 Unduped
4* Hulk 3/30 Duped
3* Black Widow 4/40 Duped
I use BW as good synergy with hulk (i think) 20% chance to stun using SP's.
I attach pics of my masteries and best champs for your evaluation.


1. Swap your Dexterity and Parry mastery. I say this because maxed dexterity only increases the chance after dashing back to get a critical hit. Maxed parry gives you an increased stun duration when parrying. This is extremely useful due to the fact that many champions have decreased stun duration with their abilities(ex.Rogue, and Groot etc)
2. Start investing your mastery points into the bigger offensive masteries. This includes the Precision mastery(maxed), the Glass Cannon mastery(maxed), the Despair mastery(1 point), the Deep Wounds mastery(maxed), and the Assassin master(maxed). Not only will these masteries bump your pi immensely, but you will have unbelievable damage output.
This is quite a bit of unit grinding, but trust me it's worth it!! Sometimes Kabam releases mastery core discounts in the store, so the Stony mastery core is 75 units and the Carb core is 225 units(Originally 135 units, and 550 units per core). They're also a few mastery bundle deals that come out in the unit store as well that you can purchase with real money. It all depends on what you can and can't do. Just make sure you don't spend your units on crystalsXD!!
Good luck partner!