Antimatter crystal not starting bounty

Twice now I have attempted to start a mission when there was not one active, twice the crystal was opened, a prompt to enter the quest popped up, but no quest was available and another alliance mate had to open a crystal. This happened last night and this morning. When I contacted support they refused to even return the antimatter I used for the crystals despite providing screen shot evidence of what occurred.
Very frustrated and would like this addressed further
Very frustrated and would like this addressed further
Wont to ikow
It stil bad yours didt work all mine hav works so for.
But OP's point was not who started, but that it took a second person to have to use some Antimatter in order to actually start it because game “messed up” when he tried to start a Bounty, and so he essentially lost some Antimatter (twice now he says too) that could limit him or his teammate (who had to try to start it again after his failed) from being able to start another one later on if they don’t have enough Antimatter and nobody else is online at next time.