[iOS] 22.1 Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • Lucifer_AngelXLucifer_AngelX Member Posts: 4
    In-Game Name: Polloloco23
    Device and Model: IPhone XS MAX
    Device Operating System: IOS 12.1.4
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi (Spectrum, 100 down)
    Game Version Installed: 22.1.1
    Game Mode: Realm of Legends
    Description of the Issue: Skip to the end theres an Audio bug after the KO theres an audio bug of footsteps. I havent been able to replicate it in the story quests. At this point im attempting to get you some video of the bugs so you can see how to replicate it.
  • Maximus_SpankersonMaximus_Spankerson Member Posts: 445 ★★
    Just happened to me as well
  • Maximus_SpankersonMaximus_Spankerson Member Posts: 445 ★★

  • MavRCK_MavRCK_ Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    In-Game Name: MavRCK_
    Device and Model: iPad Pro 10.5 A10X
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi
    Game Version Installed: 22.1 version
    Game Mode: Every mode

    Previously a slight drame drop and stutter occassionally when defender using specials or medium attack usually from corner at start of fight.

    Now all the time issues such as lag, stutter, dropped frames especially with Omega Red and when he activates death field.

    Can’t wall intercept anymore, defender dashes in too fast and hit me.

  • kiilookiiloo Member Posts: 25
    In-Game Name: k i l o
    Device and Model: iPhone 6s
    Device Operating System: 12
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 22.1
    Game Mode: AQ, EQ
    Description of the Issue: drop in FPS with lag that leads to missed parries, dexterities, etc
  • GriffoplayGriffoplay Member Posts: 270

    In-Game Name: Griffoplay
    Device and Model: iPhone 6s
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
    Cellular or WiFi: cellular data and WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 22.1.1
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue:
    1 - With every champions VS every champions: at random there is lag issues for 3/4 seconds where game seems to slow down. then it turns ok onece again;
    2 - Beast VS every champions: L1 do not connect the second part. First part ok, second part the enemy is far away and beast can't reach it so the enemy can counterattack and kill;
    3 - Sentinells L1 now do not let you counterattack any more. Sentinells are ready to parry or hit you;
    4 - Cap MArvel L1 do not connect afther a 5 hits combo (last hit medium)

    5 - Enemy sometimes stay in block for a long time, even 10/12 seconds.
  • YawdrielYawdriel Member Posts: 6
    In-Game Name: •Yawdriel•
    Device and Model: iPhone 6
    Device Operating System: 12.1.4
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 22.1
    Game Mode: EVERYTHING
    Description of the Issue: The game always crashes everytime after the first fight in any game mode. This started happening right after I updated to 22.1 last week. Don’t make me get started on the constant lag, especially on the crystals page and champ pick page.
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    I can see the game lagging on an iPhone 6. I mean that was released over 4 years ago. But an iPhone XR? It’s bullmess.
  • DonnieDarkoDonnieDarko Member Posts: 5
    In-Game Name: Donnie•Darko
    Device and Model: iPhone X
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both WiFi and cellular, Sprint carrier.
    Game Version Installed: 22.1.1
    Game Mode: All modes
    Description of the Issue: Lag, unresponsive controls. Navigating menus is laggy, causing me to accidental spend units unintentionally, constant trouble connecting to network even in great WiFi/coverage areas. End of every fight there’s audio glitching of what sounds like punches/hits landing playing after fights are over. Blocking doesn’t always register, evades are late and lagging. Sometimes specials input gets ignored, and occasionally my opponent will interrupt my attacks.
  • MegaGalacticMegaGalactic Member Posts: 248 ★★
    In-Game Name: MegaGalactic
    Device and Model: iPhone 8
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.1.4.
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 22.1.1
    Game Mode: Quests

    Started a fight in Proving grounds against Star-Lord with Corvus. Had to check another app right before the fight started, came back and then the fight was frozen on ”FIGHT” even after pressing play. This has happened a lot. But now when I restarted MCOC and came back Corvus had lost half his health. I think this must’ve happened yesterday I realize now too.

    Also having the sound bug issue that others mentioned.
  • Salmansid3Salmansid3 Member Posts: 4
    Game name: salmansid3
    Device : vivo v5s
    Issue: Lag Lag Lag. So much lag for every fight and i stopped fighting with my DARK HAWK as you never gonna fix that. And this update has a new debuff from kabam which is most effective, that is
    all gonna retire soon without any resolution provided, i am losing fights like noob due to that lag.
  • endryuendryu Member Posts: 66
    I am playing this game for almost 3 years not, and using my iphone 6s for like 2 years now and nothing have lagged before, game worked perfect, but after the last meq patch all have changeg, some fights go perfect but another just lags like hell. When mcoc will do something about it?? You changed the game code soo older phones get lags? I am not buying a new one, i will quit the game if your not changing anything
  • ditalajnenditalajnen Member Posts: 4
    In-Game Name: Ditalajnen
    Device and Model: iPad 2018
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 22.1 version
    Game Mode: Every mode
    Description of the Issue: Framedrops that are beyond anything ive encountered on this device :/ almost makes arena the only place to play atm. cba spedning unites on crapdeaths :(
  • doubleds1410doubleds1410 Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: doubleds1410
    Device and Model: iPhone XR
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.1.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Cellular
    Game Version Installed: 22.1 version
    Game Mode: AW
    Description of the Issue: Happened when fighting mordo with scarlet witch and iceman in AW. After either I or the AI used a SP3, I would lose control of my champion and they would move in towards the opponent. I was not able to block after a SP3 like I have been in the past, or dogde/counter incoming attacks. Controls would come back after I would get hit, but the game has never done that before in my years of playing it.
  • Zepphyr122Zepphyr122 Member Posts: 4
    In-Game Name: Seriously!?!?
    Device and Model: iPad mini 2
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi
    Game Version Installed: 22.1 version
    Game Mode: Every mode
    Description of the issue: Doesn’t allow me to block, doesn't allow me to avoid attacks (seems like 2 swipes back = 1 swipe now). Lounging forward has resulted in moving backwards many times now causing me to k.o. lots in AW and Epic bounty. Got worst after mini update for this 22.1. Come out of block even though I’ve not done so. Specials not launching and just coming out of block. Very choppy game play and 5 combos result in 4 combo hits. Successful dexterities still result in max damage received! You should refund me for units I purchased earlier. Stopped supporting any unit purchases when my team mates also shared their issues.
  • Zepphyr122Zepphyr122 Member Posts: 4

    Correction: I use IPad Mini4
    Game version is : 22.1.1

    In-Game Name: Seriously!?!?
    Device and Model: iPad mini 2
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi
    Game Version Installed: 22.1 version
    Game Mode: Every mode
    Description of the issue: Doesn’t allow me to block, doesn't allow me to avoid attacks (seems like 2 swipes back = 1 swipe now). Lounging forward has resulted in moving backwards many times now causing me to k.o. lots in AW and Epic bounty. Got worst after mini update for this 22.1. Come out of block even though I’ve not done so. Specials not launching and just coming out of block. Very choppy game play and 5 combos result in 4 combo hits. Successful dexterities still result in max damage received! You should refund me for units I purchased earlier. Stopped supporting any unit purchases when my team mates also shared their issues.

  • GrabGrab Member Posts: 73
    this has been a problem for a long time with evidence posted on youtube by content creators. when will this be addressed? specifically, tapping block or swiping back but the game doesn’t register it.

    yes my game is updated to the current version as is my iOS on an iPhone 8+. it happens in all game modes with all champs against all opponents with no discernible pattern, although AQ seems to be the most consistently problematic.
  • BxlegendBxlegend Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: Bxlegend
    Device and Model: iPhone Xs Max
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Version 22.1
    Game Mode: Every mode
    Description of the Issue: Horrible lag, unresponsive controls, weird sound effects (this audio randomly plays at slow, normal, and fast speeds) on the final screen in almost every fight and in all game content, during fights my champions always become periodically possessed where they will do completely random moves (I'm trying to block but my champ decides to dash forward into a Sp1 or 2, I try to dex an incoming attack but my champ thinks it's a great time to throw a heavy attack). These issues happen with all champions and all game modes. It is impossible to play harder content without having to waste units on buying
  • BaAlzamanBaAlzaman Member Posts: 2
    iPhone X
    All modes

    I am having the same issues as Bxlegend.
    Members of my Alliance are having other issues but this is mine.
  • Lawdawg1541Lawdawg1541 Member Posts: 37
    In-Game Name: Lawdawg1541
    Device and Model: iPhone 8 Plus
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 22.1.1 version
    Game Mode: Event and story and arena
    Description of the Issue: There is a lot of frame drop in game, can’t evade, parry is more random and blocking can be nonexistent. Have noticed if playing fro more than 15 min or so my phone starts to heat up. This is the same issue that happened a few updates ago.
  • Schrapnel13Schrapnel13 Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2019
    Do you think there will ever be a time where lag that causes us to lose champs or forces us to use resources and spend money will not be present?Why would incompetent Kabam fix said issues when it causes players to spend real money? We all keep sending in these tickets and posts with the hope of something being done. Sadly the community is losing faith and hope is waning.

    In-game name: Schrapnel13
    Device and model: iPhone XS Max
    Os: iOS 12.2
    Cellular or WiFi: game is junk on both
    Game version installed: the most recent crappy one 22.1.1
    Game mode: every single game mode but mainly aq aw and arena
    Description of issue: constant lag causing ai to destroy my champ forcing me to spend resources and fill kabams pockets. Unresponsive controls allowing ai to destroy my champ forcing me to spend resources and fill kabams pockets. Unresponsive specials allowing ai to destroy my champ forcing me to spend resources and fill kabams pockets. The main issue is really kabams ineptitude and what appears to be greed to the community that is holding this game back. Just keep rolling out new content that adds on new issues and compiles new bugs. Ridiculous....
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    In-Game Name: Steviemanwonder
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: 12.2 (Most Current One Available)
    Cellular or WiFi: Occurs on both
    Game Version: 22.1.1
    Game Mode: Arena, Questing, AQ, AW
    1. When using Mordo's special 2, the entire screen shakes violently.
    2. General lag slows down fights at random times, cost me 25% of my blade's health against a rhino in AW
    3. Fights freeze randomly if I open a notification right when it begins and I have to close the app to fix it which results in me losing the fight and my champion
    4. Really laggy against Human Torch's specials, making them difficult to consistently dodge.
    5. AIs parry attacks mid-combo, dodge mid-combo, and launch attacks while still knocked down.
    6. Long load times.
  • BrothermanshaftBrothermanshaft Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Brothermanshaft
    Device and Model: iPhone 8 plus
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi and cellular
    Game Version Installed: 22.1 version
    Game Mode: Story quest, event quest, AW, and AQ
    Description of the Issue: game drops controls and animations. The game it very glitchy/choppy at any moment in the fight. Makes timing blocks and attacks impossible as well as intercepting a dash attack with a special. Seems to happen multiple times within the fights.
  • OnmixOnmix Member Posts: 508 ★★★

    In-Game Name: Onmix5
    Device and Model: iPhone XS MAX
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. AT&T
    Game Version Installed: To check which version of the game you have installed, go to the App Store and confirm that you have the latest version installed which will show you the number. This thread is only for 22.1.1
    Game Mode: AQ, EQ, Bou ty Mission, Variant #2, Act 6, AW
    Description of the Issue: Delay on AI attacks after a 5 hit combo from user causing missing parry (timing change). At least 1 very noticeable lag in every match where the screen freezes and unfreezes rapidly.
    Faster AI reactions after dexing a hit.
    Tighter window than usual to parry.
    Sometimes it doesn’t register when I dex
    Miedo hits me with Magik when backdrafting. He dashes immediately after I finish my attack, way faster than he should.
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★
    In-Game Name: reference36
    Device and Model: iPhone 7+
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: 22.1 version
    Game Mode: EQ, AW, AQ, Arena
    Description of the Issue: Obvious overheat after 3 mins of game play and lags happens after 5 mins. Similar to the overheat issue in mid 2018. No overheat issue for versions from Aug 2018 to Mar 2019.

    Please resolve this asap as this is a major bug and is causing a lot of trouble to me.
  • Choco_RocoChoco_Roco Member Posts: 9
    In-Game Name: Choco Roco
    Device and Model: iPad Pro
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Version 22.1
    Game Mode: All game modes
    Description of the Issue: This is getting ridiculous. As much as folks are playing and paying for content, this should never happen. Overall game play is extremely laggy which has caused me to lose fights and lagging even when opening crystals. Game gets stuck on loading and after an hour, I'm forced to close app which I then lose half my health especially during AW and AQ. That hurts my alliance attack bonus. In addition, game tends to unblock, dash the wrong way and move on it's own during matches as if I'm being hacked. Again, extremely hurtful during AW and AQ. I'm tired of losing my health and spending units to restore lost health due to bugs in the game. You are going to lose a lot of customers if this mess keeps happening. Fix this ASAP.
  • moonmebabymoonmebaby Member Posts: 41
    In-Game Name: Moonmebaby
    Device and Model: iPhone XS Max
    Device Operating System: 12.1.4
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: latest game version
    Game Mode: every game mode
    Description of the Issue: while moving across every map it begins to get choppy. Impossible to time. Almost as if game is running normal but visually behind. Even load times are longer.
  • LaserjungeLaserjunge Member Posts: 33
    In-Game Name: Laserjunge
    Device and Model: iPhone SE
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.4.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: 22.1.1
    Game Mode: EQ, AQ, Arena
    Description of the Issue: Permanent overheating after just few minutes; permanent lagging in nearly all game modes; parries and dash backs delayed/fail all the time; completely unplayable.

    This issue not only costed tons of heals and revives, but also kills my phone battery irreversibly. As mid-tier rooster player, i.e., not having a single 5* 5/65 to outdamage the lags, I gave up on trying the uncollected EQ this month.

    I never asked for compensation so far, but this month is pretty much the worst month since the start of the game and, if any, it just screams for compensation.
  • JK_StingerJK_Stinger Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: JK-Stinger
    Device and Model: iPhone SE
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 22.1.1 version
    Game Mode: Every mode

    Since the last update (new monthly quest) majority of fights experience irritating lags and stuttering. Spoils the fun of game when u die so much cause of unexpected faults. Please correct this ASAP.
  • synergy247synergy247 Member Posts: 306

This discussion has been closed.