Need more ways to get t1a catalysts

AndroggsAndroggs Member Posts: 107
I know we can get them from the glory store, grind alpha cat arena, a chance in solo crystals, and aq depending on map.

We do only map 5 and 6 so no chance at t1a from AQ.

Greater solo don't really drop t1as that often.

Think there should be t1a shards in solo events or something like that.


  • Crusty21Crusty21 Member Posts: 8
    Yes please I couldn't agree more. Since they removed t1a from the map 5 and 6 crystals and made emphasis on 5 star champs who require a large amount for rank ups they seem to be impossible to keep up on.
  • Kronos987654321Kronos987654321 Member Posts: 584 ★★★
    I can't believe we even got here lol. I finally have T4b and t4cc and now t1a are gone. Why they aren't included in the AQ rewards is baffling.
  • VeryCoolUserNameVeryCoolUserName Member Posts: 93
    True this is real funny 2... I got more tier 2 alpha then tier 1...
    I totally agree they should add them back to the map 5 crystals me
  • ThreedeadkingsThreedeadkings Member Posts: 97
    Anyway this is just my personal observation...
    I'm 'retired' from active alliance. Hence no AQ no AW, and therefore no glory and of course no alphat1 from glory store. I get about 7 per month these days via monthly EQ and alphat1 arena. Hence I do feel the shortage at the beginning. But of course I have also adjusted my own expectations. No more instant 4* R5s, no more instant 5* R3s. There's already 300+ champions (in all star variants) of which 4* and 5* are zapping up alphat1 very quickly. Shortage is bound to happen at some point. Doesn't matter if the devs continuously increase the availability. It will still be short again (at some point in time). Maybe it's time we adjust our own expectations a little?
    Anyway just my own observation and experience.
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