Characters that would be too OP if they were exactly like their marvel counterparts

Sentry and Phoenix are not accepted answers. Anyone else? Ghost Rider has the power of immortality and is one of my all time favorites.
Comics DS = pre-12, too OP
12.0 to balance it out.
Post12.0 DS = MCU DR Benedict Cumberstramge. Cool, yes, useful abilities sure, but nothing like the omnipotent Sorceror Supreme we love from the Comics. And pre-12.
The most disappointing champ in the game given how good he should be.
Oh and he ain't op in the comics but is the best champ in the game no argument Hulkbastard
(he'd just keep changing the rules of the game ... O.o )
Magneto should be with metal what blade is with Villians.
Colossus synergy:
Colossus damage increases with armor rating.
Mags: All attacks with metallic objects do 15% less damage. This 15% is reflected back as direct damage to the opponent.
Scarlet Witch Synergy:
SW has a 50% increased chance to proc a regen instead of other buffs when Veil of Fortune activates (Functionality of VoF is not affected)
All attacks with any metallic objects glance, reducing AAR to 100%.
Enough said.