Labyrynth of legends Help me
Member Posts: 942 ★★★
I want to do easy path with void plz help me what team will be the best on him i need pro tips. I found that team with regen killmonger is that good?
Agent Venom disagrees.
agent venom has no friends
Step 2- combine with massacre/rulk and option hulk/abom
Step 3- parry heavy and crit sp3 bleed to victory.
Op I used the same team you show there except I had 6* Angela as a second attacker instead of spark.
The fights may not be as quick as some champs can make it but void is definitely an option for lol. The km synergy is great and for healing back chip damage you take and the damage you do is decent as you will have fotv up pretty much the whole time and sometimes 2 stacks while they are constantly taking dot
Void, X23, killmonger, heimdal hella.
Had a point in each inequity and resonate which helps out against magiks limbo.
There's definitely quicker options but if you don't mind taking a bit longer void can definitely be a fairly cheap option with the km synergy. Not sure how he'd do against some of the other fights on inner paths though.
He's not great for maestro at the end either although he actually only shrugs off 1 of voids debuffs so you can get a little dot. But Angela did most the work on maestro for me.
Was nice to get x23 down on my first path too so dont have to worry about that in future
Check out this team i think i can do with this setup
X23 void killmonger Angela heimdal