Truly Chill Alliance looking for Adult Players

It’s not just a post title it’s how we live. That kinda makes it hard to retain members who say they’re laid back but end of leaving to chase rewards. We’ve been up and down, from 30 members running 2 map5 bgs to where we are now with 22 members running map3+map3 x 5 every AQ. We run AW maybe once a week or two if the availability and desire is there. It’s not a priority nor is it mandatory to participate in AW. Since AQ map4 is now free hopefully we can expand to two map4 bags or maybe 3 map3 bgs. We’re a tight knit group who enjoy each other as much or maybe even more than the game. We enjoy rewards but rewards aren’t everything. We’re all adults with lives outside the game but we’re active enough to keep a flow of alliance rewards coming in. Line is required for ease of communication but donations are not mandatory. If you’re looking for an experienced group with a truly laid back atmosphere check us out. My id on LINE is umdaman1 and in game is- Umahero.


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