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Gripes! Serious disadvantage for people with sci and/or skill gems!

OmarOmar Posts: 36
edited August 2017 in General Discussion
I am one of the many that were disappointed by Kabam's decision to classify BOTH gg and doc as tech- beyond the obvious science ties that each champ has- why in the world would we need two MORE tech champions? We've seen several added in the last two months alone and now yet another month dominated by this class. Kabam please realize that these "waves" of champions pertaining to one class have "conveniently" skipped over science and skill for far too long. The real disadvantage is that players with awakening gems corresponding to those classes have had no opportunity to use the rarest items in the game. A five star awakening gem is the most highly valued, sought after item available! That is why the gg and doc situation was upsetting; it seemed that players with sci gems were finally getting a moment to take advantage of their gems!.Nope. To put this in context, its been almost a year since the last sci champ was released (quake). A year. As most know, Gwenpool was the last skill champ released and that clock has been ticking as well. So those players holding sci and skill awakening gems have been denied a good champ to use them on for far too long. Meanwhile, players possessing mutant, cosmic, tech, and mystic gems have had ample opportunities to use them on great featured champs. This is a real problem that has gone unaddressed. We need some answers as to why science and skill have been neglected.


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    OmarOmar Posts: 36
    That would be all fine and well if it didn't give those players with favorable gems a sizable advantage in obtaining great champs while people who completed the same content did not have opportunities to use their gems.
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    OmarOmar Posts: 36
    and don't even get me started on prestige..having a favorable gem has given you how many chances over the last year to obtain to awaken a high prestige featured champ?
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    Kronos987654321Kronos987654321 Posts: 584 ★★★
    Gotta let it go. Tech is a tough class to fill, it had to be done. Tech is well stocked for a while and science will get its time soon. Definitely for the Antman event imo.
    There have been soooo many techs leading up to this: nebula, yondu, tech spidey, punisher 2099, idk what you mean man
    Plus their explanation for GG is just dumb if you look at Falcon being a skill.
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    OmarOmar Posts: 36
    Also tell me of these great cosmic champs lol. But I think Cosmics time is coming. Skill i always love getting them. Currently I have CB R5 and Cwbp R3 5*, I wouldn't mind doing a BPOG, my maxed BW, my GP and my HE. I love the skill. Oh i wouldn't mind my DD at R5 either.

    hype, angela, king groot, and the worst champ in game carnage lol. all released this year
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    MEŦAPħҰSMEŦAPħҰS Posts: 340 ★★
    edited August 2017
    "did not have opportunities to use. .." lol. more champs are still planned to come in the future and you're complaining like these were the last 2 champs to be released.

    keep grinding, keep saving resources. i have a science awkening gem. i also have 50-something 5* sig stones for cosmic and skill champs....a piece...and cant dupe either. you, me and several other just gotta be patient. complaining in forums gets us no where

    best of luck!

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    Mr_OtterMr_Otter Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    It's been
    9 tech champions
    8 mutants
    5 Mystics
    4 skill champs
    4 Cosmic

    And a SINGLE science champion since the Civil War event started

    if I don't count Anyone Prior to January

    5 tech
    4 mutant
    2 mystic
    1 skill
    3 cosmic

    The main kicks to the gut is that GG has his scales in his character model indicated a non-X gene mutation and Falcon was able to stay Skill despite him having to his his wings and Redwing for Specials and abilities

    Most of the older champs in Science are really Spider-Man, the caps, YJ AM and hulk who msot of which don't hold up in AW thanks to MD and endgame being harder than diamonds for any of them except hulk who if he's actually dealing a lot of damage probably won't be lasting too many more fights which is the opposite issue the Caps have that the fights become more and more of a chore as they can't really deal damage aside from WWII-SP2

    Skill is only a bit better because their abilities mostly have better abilities but the pool has stagnated as MOST of thier Niche… IS THE SAME DANG THING… ability reduction, ability reduction, ability reduction… we get it they are skilled to not do that what else is new?!

    GP's sig was basically a reskin of Falcon, Elektra, CB, BW…… and some of those are standard abilities! Even MUTANTS are starting to pick up Ability Reduction in Archangel and Cable and I'm pretty sure Gambit has some version too

    I mean even COSMIC got KG which at least makes him immortal if you play halfway decent
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    rwhackrwhack Posts: 1,057 ★★★
    Kingpin is up soon...skill...gladiator hulk has to be science.
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    MEŦAPħҰSMEŦAPħҰS Posts: 340 ★★
    rwhack wrote: »
    Kingpin is up soon...skill...gladiator hulk has to be science.

    what if hes cosmic?!
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    Mr_OtterMr_Otter Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    rwhack wrote: »
    Kingpin is up soon...skill...gladiator hulk has to be science.

    what if hes cosmic?!

    Tonight… we riot
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    danielmathdanielmath Posts: 4,052 ★★★★★
    rwhack wrote: »
    Kingpin is up soon...skill...gladiator hulk has to be science.

    what if hes cosmic?!

    Would be awesome
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    SirnoobSirnoob Posts: 952 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    rwhack wrote: »
    Kingpin is up soon...skill...gladiator hulk has to be science.

    what if hes cosmic?!

    People cry then stop caring
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    NikskiniNikskini Posts: 237
    Falcon should be tech aswell what his doing in skill class?
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    Etaki_LirakoiEtaki_Lirakoi Posts: 480 ★★
    rwhack wrote: »
    Kingpin is up soon...skill...gladiator hulk has to be science.

    what if hes cosmic?!
    It ain't gonna be King-pin, it'll be King-pin in a space suit, that's the surprise everyone doesn't know.
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    SirnoobSirnoob Posts: 952 ★★★
    rwhack wrote: »
    Kingpin is up soon...skill...gladiator hulk has to be science.

    what if hes cosmic?!
    It ain't gonna be King-pin, it'll be King-pin in a space suit, that's the surprise everyone doesn't know.[/quote]

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    It is not just that but the only decent science in the expanding 5* pool (at least to me) was OG Cap and the pool was further diluted so quickly after he was released that many people will never see him.
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,376 ★★★★★
    To be precise, there are Champs of each Class. Saving Gems is elective. Meaning, it's our choice to save them. We are capable of using them on existing Champs if we choose.
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    Mr_OtterMr_Otter Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    To be precise, there are Champs of each Class. Saving Gems is elective. Meaning, it's our choice to save them. We are capable of using them on existing Champs if we choose.

    Yes and it just so happens that save for maybe ant and yellow most Science champions suck so bad they are super common
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,376 ★★★★★
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    To be precise, there are Champs of each Class. Saving Gems is elective. Meaning, it's our choice to save them. We are capable of using them on existing Champs if we choose.

    Yes and it just so happens that save for maybe ant and yellow most Science champions suck so bad they are super common
    That's opinion.
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    MEŦAPħҰSMEŦAPħҰS Posts: 340 ★★
    Angelbane wrote: »
    It is not just that but the only decent science in the expanding 5* pool (at least to me) was OG Cap and the pool was further diluted so quickly after he was released that many people will never see him.

    im sorry, is hulk not an absolute stud after they revamped him!?! i would gladly take a hulk
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    TrumpootTrumpoot Posts: 185
    rwhack wrote: »
    Kingpin is up soon...skill...gladiator hulk has to be science.

    OMG OMG I'm so excited about gladiator hulk. (regular hulk is one of my favorites)

    Also, i can't wait for his "friends from work" synergy with Thor!
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    RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    It's pretty simple. Science champs have an advantage over the best defensive class in the game. KABAM knows that people spending units to kill bosses with 5/5 MD and a champ like GG that has power control and high damage would destroy their bottom line had he been science.
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    ShinyMew2ShinyMew2 Posts: 187
    Honestly I don't see how Doc Oc could be anything other than tech so I don't know why people are complaining about it. Green Goblin on the other hand got his powers through a SERUM (just like Captain America) so he really shouldn't be tech.
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