NOX2 is recruiting Top 45-90 AQ focus

ÑøX2 is recruiting!! We are an AQ focused Alliance finishing consistently in the top 45-90 bracket; 360mil+ Peak Milestone.

Average 1 T2A/week & 15k T5B shards a month just from AQ rank rewards (not counting map 6/7 crystal RNG)!!

BG3: 7x5,
BG1&2: 77666

Our only requirement is donations.

450k gold
54k BC
33k Loyalty

We run full weeks of AW both on & off season and consistently rank Gold 1 with little to no item usage. We do not require using boosts and strive for no stress, no anxiety wars without the push for minimal rewards increase in Plat 3.

What we need from you?

Prestige 9400; accountability, availability, reliability, & peak communication skills

Get in donations, Finish your lanes, burn your energy, be accountable to the other 29 teammates!! No frills, great rewards.

Please contact me for further discussion.
Line ID: soul_glo
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  • FakeFoeFakeFoe Posts: 61
    IG FakeFoe
  • Still looking? Line ID and IGN BloopDeBloop
    >10k prestige, 6x5 AQ experience (easy) but never ran 7
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