Semi Retirement Ally Looking for 20 Members
Several End Game level accounts taking it easy
Other accounts are newer accounts and second accounts of old time ally members.
Currently looking for 20 members
The ally ¤Shu¤ is and open ally and has no current requirements
Would be interested in doing teo BG of aq Map 3 & 5
Work on what you need, line is available but not used
Everyone in the ally are chill and dont stress
If you need an invite message on this thread
Otherwise please join and chill!
Other accounts are newer accounts and second accounts of old time ally members.
Currently looking for 20 members
The ally ¤Shu¤ is and open ally and has no current requirements
Would be interested in doing teo BG of aq Map 3 & 5
Work on what you need, line is available but not used
Everyone in the ally are chill and dont stress
If you need an invite message on this thread
Otherwise please join and chill!
Curentlly rebuilding and need around 10 active players
After war season we are moving 6/7 guys.
Aq focused ally. All map 6 in aq. 5000 glory per week. In war no items unless easy win is guaranteed. War we just chill until rewards are worth it
In game name: