Best Avenger for Save the Battlerealm, Reality Path on Epic?

I used my R3 4* Hulk to easily clear all of the paths on Epic with the expectation of the Reality Path. Because Thing is on a Buffet node, Hulk's fury stacks allows Thing to regen like crazy.
However, I haven't much success with the other Avengers on that path. Everyone I have is at R3 4* (with the exception of Iron Man at R2 5*), and I have a hell of a time getting past MODOK with any of them. I haven't tried Thor yet, but because he spams armor buffs, I imagine he won't be much use against Thing.
Which Avenger have people had the most success with on the Reality Path?
However, I haven't much success with the other Avengers on that path. Everyone I have is at R3 4* (with the exception of Iron Man at R2 5*), and I have a hell of a time getting past MODOK with any of them. I haven't tried Thor yet, but because he spams armor buffs, I imagine he won't be much use against Thing.
Which Avenger have people had the most success with on the Reality Path?
Cleared it after I had Hawkeye .. Hawkeye couldn't clear his own path .. LOL
I suspect Black Widow might work as well?
Haven't tried though
FYI, used my higher Sig Ability 4* Hawkeye instead of Dup’d 5* r2 of comparable rating (because 4* had much higher Sig for Bleed Damage for Modok).
For modok, parry + 3shot combo, parry + sp1, Bait specials if needed, rince and repeat.
For thing, had to use 3-4 revives...
I tried with hulk, not a chance!
I couldn't get my hawkeye to sp3 against Thing would just keep spamming unblockable and I was toast....
On M.O.D.O.K., parry and heavy till Cap reached special 2.
On Thing, parry and no special use.
If that doesn't work, I guess it's back to trying Cap and Hawkeye again since that seems pretty popular.
Not in Epic difficulty. In Master difficulty I took down the Thing with the Hulk.
Mechanically it is just impossible, you can throw as many Sp3, and Sp2 as you want, Hulk cant take out more than 2,5% of health per SP. And since he is on a buffet node he regens 10% of max health for every active buff every 7 seconds...
Now please prove me wrong and post a video of your fight. I want to see it, every one wants to see it. And if anybody else got a link or a vid of the Hulk taking down the Thing in Epic difficulty please share with the community, we want to learn.
The buffet node seemed bug, because many times the hulk was getting indestructible and fury buffs and the regen did not kick in. Also at one time, my friend got in a 28 combo, and he took out a huge chunk of health out of the The thing... making me wonder if the cap of 2,5% damage health was also bugged for the thing...
I read a few times here on this forum, that players could take down the thing with a hulk 4* 4/5.... could that be the key?
My friend is really good and he will try to one shot him, and post a video on line, if he does, i will post it on youtube and put a link here...
Those less experienced, looking for advise on who is best for them to use, should probably just stick to Hawkeye (or maybe Cap).
Use 2* or 3*.
The reason is simple, any hit on these low level champs is always going to be >5%.
So, once you get hit, they can't damage you anymore, and you can then stack furies like crazy, and keep using specials to stun & double your furies.
Then, as you are beating them to a pulp, you are also healing back that 5% that you lost. You can basically keep doing SP3 on The Thing to death