Who to r4 for LOL

Already got classic Spider and CM r4 and in preparation for LOL will do another .Candidates are Storm, HE, BP and Magik all duped .Can the guys that done at least a path help me decide?Thanks!
He would be my choice.
I would go with BP or Storm.
You get to run poison suicides when you do CM though. I think that puts her well ahead of storm
and from the scenario posted.. its better to do LOL with CM, though storm gives better damage. Magik is by far the best available in those options, though her use in LOL is limited.
Wow it seems you dont have any idea how strong storm is. Let me show you an image that will change your mind. You will thank me later.
If you have 5* CM, 5* Storm plus Cyc cyc mags your best method is using full team revives and use all your champs.
Additionally you can use storm with suicides even with recoil on. You will do some 300k damage minimum before you die which is worthy.
I agree with everything but suicides. Storm's l2 is wild. A solid 450+ with storm will get you over 300k. Imo storm does better than marvel but they are both decent options if no sl or gp.
I'm well aware of the damage that storm does, but I think she relies way too much on crits to do any meaningful damage. I would put money on CM doing more damage over time than a storm on the same team.
Here's some perspective on all that massive damage btw lol
Oh look TEN Prowess charges that are insanely hard to stack, On a class advantage, while storm has class disadvantage
20% Attack modefier is 2x difference so um… yeah Gambit has like 40% extra attack compared to storm
Your math is interesting
Well you have to factor in that neither Storm nor Gambit were vs a neutral class
Gambit has a class advantage while Storm had a class disadvantage
Kabam actually gave us the number 20% when talking about class reversal for 5.2
So you have to figure if storm was vs that WS you'd have to take away the 20% disadvantage and provide the 20% advantage
With a 1.4 multiplier to reflect the 40% boost Storm would receive her damage would have been 45,232.6
Compared to 45,539 Storm is still short by 215.4 damage, but also factor in the HASSLE of charging all those Kinetic charges
Each actually increasing his special by 18% (taken from my 4* 3/30) so he's actually packing a hassle of an extra 180% damage boost which let's be honest as 5 it's almost impossible to gain anymore so on average that'd be closer to a 90% buff
But with all 10 and fighting WS instead of the collector Gambit has an additional 220% attack over Storm
Against Masestro that same Gambit would HAVE to keep 10 Prowess at all times to keep up and very slightly surpass storm
Now if we take the 20% decrease that would be applied by fighting Maestro and then add 20% by fighting a skill class you'd raise her Attack by 40%
45,232.6 (Storm vs a skill class Maestro)
45,539 (Gambit vs WS)
Now Storm is still short by 215.4
BUT Gambit has 10 Prowess! My 3/30 4* has a Prowess boost of 18% each so x10 is an additional 180% attack boost
Here Gambit already requires 220% just to match Storm but how often have you ever stacked 10 Kinetic charges and converted them?
A much more conservative number of 6 would only provide 108% as anything past 5 is nearly impossible to pull off without planning PERFECTLY
NOW as it stands 10-Prowess Gambit would be enough to just slightly beat out Storm in damage
Yeah even at 10-Prowess that Gambit isn't fighting a WS with Armor
Up and Emergency Shield
Uh-oh… poor Gambit…
If you R4 Storm and use her for LoL, you still have other uses for her in a Crit Team, regardless for questing or for Legend runs.
Whereas for Gambit.. Idk where you gonna use him at..
Storm sp1 stun is very handy to push enemies to sp2. Her shock is insane and her signature is incredible.
Gambit is a bottom tier champ. Not even closed to storm class.
Because @Kronos987654321 wanted to give us perspective LOL! Meanwhile he ignored the 40% attack different, the odds of actually having all 10 Prowess, and the fact that storm did that damage while Maestro had Armor and Emergency Shield
You're forgetting gambit has two hits in that combo, which puts him closer to 70k damage without suicides lol