Worth ranking up to 5 or should I wait?
Member Posts: 47
Okay so I have ultron 4* duped at r4, my question to you is should I wait for a different tech 4* or 5*( waiting on a vision really as I have only like 1 drain champ) or just push the button and rank him up (just waiting on another basic cat. I have 3 tech cats already) I don't have a great tech line up at all btw haha
Well for aq I run 4*r5 sig99 guilly 4*r5 sig 82 wolvie 4*r4 cap marvel sig70ish And I do just fine, you think I should just wait on it for a bit, and see what the next couple of champs I pull are?
Do you have awakening gem waiting in the ready to use on them when u get them? Sig stones also?
Depending on your alliance, you are likely to get enough materials to R5 TWO tech champs before you get SL or Vision DUPED. Meanwhile you could have been using Ultron at R5.
That being said. you have Ultron at R4. he isn't different at r5, just MORE. so if u don't use him now, you might not like him at r5 either.
One last thing. u didn't show any 5* champs, but if u get 5* ultron at the end of this month, for instance, you are going to wish you had saved those materials to use on him instead.
I really might suggest waiting till end of month (of course, I'm assuming that the calendar is gonna let u open a 5* champ)
Yeah I would get a new 5 at the end of the month or be like 1k away as I just opened a 5 a week or so ago, and surprise surprise it was SG hah by yeah I think I will wait to see what comes from the crystal before I make my decision. Thanks for the advice bud
You need ultron if you ever do Map 6, he is a must and a must for a lot of story content.
Very underrated