Invisible woman regenerating after sp3
I built up killmongers big bleed on sp3, got rid of masochism and then was able to launch it. After the sp3 and probably 2 or 3 seconds after it she regenerated all of her health. Hopefully these pics help, I don’t know how to upload videos.
Video of it. Thank you @Drooped2
I suggest you max despair if you need to counter the healing with bleed champs.
You could also try boosting. If you see her start to regen when at low health, some people have said they pause and quit the fight. Then finish her with another champ.
I read all of her abilities but didn't see anything like this in there. Granted I am tired and frustrated so I could have missed it, but it seems like there is something broken going on here.
(made an account just to report this)
I don’t have a video of my exact fight, but it was almost identical to the one posted above.
Is there a reason she can punish me while I’m in the middle of a combo too?