Emma Frost crit resistance

ÐarkŠtarÐarkŠtar Member Posts: 180
Emma frost is reducing Ghost's guaranteed crit hit rate while in diamond form. Is this intended? If not, I want to know what you guys do to the code that results in some new shenanigans with Ghost every month. Please look into this. Its difficult to show images that prove this and the video I have is too large.


  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Ye noticed this as well against oscillate
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    If you have a video, uploading it to YouTube and then posting a link here can be helpful.
  • ÐarkŠtarÐarkŠtar Member Posts: 180

    There you go @Kabam Lyra. The second clip showcases this much better as there are multiple non crit intercepts at the start and the first clip also has one at the start I believe.
  • ÐarkŠtarÐarkŠtar Member Posts: 180
    @Kabam Lyra any updates?
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, we don't have any new information yet, but we've passed your report on to the rest of the team.
  • ÐarkŠtarÐarkŠtar Member Posts: 180
    Thank you. Might want to speed it up a bit if possible. She is still a prominent mini boss in war and not critting a few times can be the difference between a full bonus and not
  • ÐarkŠtarÐarkŠtar Member Posts: 180
    Been a while. Updates? Started noticing this with other forms of crit resistance as well. Sentinel, killmonger. @Kabam Zibiit
  • Notcho59Notcho59 Member Posts: 116
    Yeah reduced crit chance ruins her guaranteed critical hits which shouldn't happen same thing with the node in 6.2.5
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    correct me if I am wrong but there is an "issue" with waiting 2 hits where ghost is getting parried/blocked after the second phased miss. all of the non critical in that video were after a 2 miss combo, so probably related.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019

    Texas_11 said:

    Emma frost has built in crit resistance

    Yes, which shouldn't affect guaranteed crits.
    I’m taking a stab in the dark, but I think it has something to do with Emma Frost reducing the crit chance. However , the verbiage is guaranteed and not actually 100% so it could be wording .

    Corvus always Crits because he has a crit chance of 0 and I don’t think it can be affected because it doesn’t have a value / % assigned to his stats. I think the Glaive charge has its own 100% crit stat so it can’t be reduced. That’s why he was able to Crit on glancing , but damage was reduced.

    The key factor here is Corvus has true damage . Which ignores armor and crit resistances. Ghost does not have true damage .

    Ghost However does have a value attributed to her crit chance % . So I think what is happening is ghost is not necessarily “failing” but Emma frost is crit resistance is ignoring the “success” of ghost ability.

    Let’s assume ghost with her passive precision has 100% chance , and then her crit chance that she gets from her base stats is 18.4% maybe this gives her a 118.4% chance to crit .

    Maybe Emma crit resistance is reducing the % below 100% b

    Whenever ghost is fighting a sentinel, this happens as well sometimes.

    Kabam made this post:

    What Does each stat do once it's been turned into a percentage?

    Armor, Block Proficiency, Physical Resist, Energy Resist - Damage Reduction. Percentage of the damage that is reduced from incoming attacks

    Crit Rating - Percentage chance to score a critical hit

    Crit Damage Rating - Percentage that your damage is multiplied by when a critical hit is scored.

    Armor Pen, Block Pen, Crit Resist - How much of the opponent's stat is ignored
  • ÐarkŠtarÐarkŠtar Member Posts: 180
    Lormif said:

    correct me if I am wrong but there is an "issue" with waiting 2 hits where ghost is getting parried/blocked after the second phased miss. all of the non critical in that video were after a 2 miss combo, so probably related.

    It's not necessarily after 2 hits. I've had opponents pull a block on me after a single hit too, although this only happens in AW. Also, great observation. Didn't notice that myself but if it is as you're saying definitely could be related
  • MostWantedMostWanted Member Posts: 351 ★★
    As I see, it looks like that Critical Resistance prevents champions to land critical (even if they have a GUARANTEED critical.)
    What does it involve? I died against medusa mini boss (Global node: dodge 5%, local node: Debuff immune and critical Resistance, node 55), she evaded my hit.
    It makes sense:
    Ghost lands critical hits that cannot be evaded
    Ghost doesn't land a Guaranteed crit, due to crit resistance
    Medusa can evade that hit, since it's not critical
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Emma frost has built in crit resistance

    Yes, which shouldn't affect guaranteed crits.
    I’m taking a stab in the dark, but I think it has something to do with Emma Frost reducing the crit chance. However , the verbiage is guaranteed and not actually 100% so it could be wording .

    Corvus always Crits because he has a crit chance of 0 and I don’t think it can be affected because it doesn’t have a value / % assigned to his stats. I think the Glaive charge has its own 100% crit stat so it can’t be reduced. That’s why he was able to Crit on glancing , but damage was reduced.

    The key factor here is Corvus has true damage . Which ignores armor and crit resistances. Ghost does not have true damage .

    Ghost However does have a value attributed to her crit chance % . So I think what is happening is ghost is not necessarily “failing” but Emma frost is crit resistance is ignoring the “success” of ghost ability.

    Let’s assume ghost with her passive precision has 100% chance , and then her crit chance that she gets from her base stats is 18.4% maybe this gives her a 118.4% chance to crit .

    Maybe Emma crit resistance is reducing the % below 100% b

    Whenever ghost is fighting a sentinel, this happens as well sometimes.

    Kabam made this post:

    What Does each stat do once it's been turned into a percentage?

    Armor, Block Proficiency, Physical Resist, Energy Resist - Damage Reduction. Percentage of the damage that is reduced from incoming attacks

    Crit Rating - Percentage chance to score a critical hit

    Crit Damage Rating - Percentage that your damage is multiplied by when a critical hit is scored.

    Armor Pen, Block Pen, Crit Resist - How much of the opponent's stat is ignored
    As far as I'm concerned, if corvus never fails to land criticals, ghost shouldn't either. For all intents and purposes ghost also has a 0% base crit rate since her abilities specifically state that she can only crit through her abilities. It's immaterial what her base crit rate is since that doesn't let her crit randomly while she doesn't have a precision passive. So if she can't crit without her abilities, her crits should never fail while her ability is active. That's how I see it. They already changed that **** with glancing, this doesn't need to happen.
    Corvus has true damage which ignores crit resistance. Ghost does not
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    You can test this by getting sentinel to his full analysis charges , then testing with ghost and Corvus. Ghost is not ignoring the crit resistance and armor .
  • MostWantedMostWanted Member Posts: 351 ★★
    The fact is that Ghost, corvus and the other champions with guaranteed Crits doesn't rely on a chance.
    Here are the abilities of Ghost and corvus:

    • Upon Phasing, gain a Precision Passive for 6 seconds which guarantees the next hit to be Critical and consumes the Precision Passive. Ghost can only land Critical Hits through her abilities.

    At the start of the fight, Corvus Glaive gains 20 permanent Glaive charges, granting him True Damage and guaranteed Critical Hits with his glaive as long as his Immunity is active. A charge is spent every time Corvus Glaive hits with Basic Attack using his glaive.

    It's not a matter of Chance, ghost and corvus has not a chance to land a critical. it's guaranteed that they will make a critical hit. I mean, they have not 100% chance to land a critical, they LAND a critical, stop.
    But, as I see... it's not true. Moreover @Texas_11 said an interesting thing.... True Damage bypasses armor and resistances... so it should bypass Critical Resistance, since it's a Resistance indeed. Same thing with True Strike... a Killmonger should bypass Crit resistance while he has TS active. I hope i explained it well.
    you know.. "Cannot" beats "always", but it's not the following case. Glancing is a thing, critical resistance is another ting.
  • Huskers327Huskers327 Member Posts: 105
    We’re still waiting for an explanation from mods on this. This month’s uncollected eq boss in 2.2 is long shot with an 80% crit resistance node. Once again this is preventing some of Ghost’s GUARANTEED crits.

  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    @Kabam Zibiit has been over half a year. Any new infos?
  • PeaRatPeaRat Member Posts: 152
    Because Emma frost has built in critical resistance it reduces ghosts crit rate on her “guaranteed” crits.

    Corvus would be the same but his true damage buff allows him to bypass resistances.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    PeaRat said:

    Because Emma frost has built in critical resistance it reduces ghosts crit rate on her “guaranteed” crits.

    Corvus would be the same but his true damage buff allows him to bypass resistances.

    Look guaranteed and 100% chance are 2 diffrent things. While 100% can be reduced. Guaranteed shouldnt be. I just hope kabam doesnt go the lazy way and changes ghost info.
  • PeaRatPeaRat Member Posts: 152
    Guaranteed to kabam just means 100% chance that can’t be affected by ability accuracy.
    But I guess it can be effected by resistances.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    edited March 2020
    PeaRat said:

    Guaranteed to kabam just means 100% chance that can’t be affected by ability accuracy.
    But I guess it can be effected by resistances.

    You dont know that.

    And crits are never affected by AAR
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    @Kabam Zibiit are you guys are still looking into it? An update would be very welcome :)
  • Mcoc_gamer_481Mcoc_gamer_481 Member Posts: 62
    Why is this still going on? Been over a year with no news
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,324 ★★★★★
    Lagacy mentions this issue in a few of his streams. Ghost also has her guaranteed crits affected by nodes as well. Pretty sure it's a bug. Especially since it does not seem to happen to other characters.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,324 ★★★★★
    edited April 2020
    But yeah, we've been here before. This type of discussion. Glancing was determined to override guaranteed crits. As "cannot" will always override "always".. something like that anyway. However, guaranteed should always override a reduced chance. That's actually the definition of guaranteed;) Has anyone tested wasp or others against this?
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    Will there ever be an info about that?
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