Is it time for Kabam to STOP putting garbage rewards in Epic level and beyond monthly events?

You spend weeks doing everything you possibly can to improve your roster. You take the most difficult paths hoping that you will get something decent for your efforts. But, for whatever bizarre reason that is disguising itself in something called RNG, you can end up really frustrated maybe even resentful that you even tried. So what gives? Should there even be garbage rewards in the epic level special quests? From what I truly believe (and maybe what you should believe in, too) that the worst possible reward anyone can get from epic level or higher is at least:
1. 4500 T5B or
2. 12500 T2A or
3. 18K T4CC
Not the one in the picture, not 100K gold, not totally garbage and heart breaking stuff that really makes you wonder whoever approves these types of rewards to be part of the rewards in a monthly event is someone who has complete and utter disdain for the players of MCOC.
Especially after the Last Stand monthly event, it would only be right that players get a little bit of a boone this month.

1. 4500 T5B or
2. 12500 T2A or
3. 18K T4CC
Not the one in the picture, not 100K gold, not totally garbage and heart breaking stuff that really makes you wonder whoever approves these types of rewards to be part of the rewards in a monthly event is someone who has complete and utter disdain for the players of MCOC.
Especially after the Last Stand monthly event, it would only be right that players get a little bit of a boone this month.

Is it time for Kabam to STOP putting garbage rewards in Epic level and beyond monthly events? 90 votes
We are not asking god tier rewards at every turn NOR even good rewards. But please, not utter garbage like that one in the picture. How is that going to help at all? Maybe make it at least 15 5* sig stones then it's not so bad. But 5??? Does Kabam hate its player base that much? is there a sense that there are people in the corporate offices who are conniving to silently make this game die by making frustration levels this high?
Forgive me for the harshness but RNG cannot be used as an excuse anymore at this point. Soon there will be games that will be more rewarding, less stressful and fun to play. To what end is Kabam hoping to achieve by not sharing the burden of its players of MCOC? This kind of reward simply shows total lack of empathy and cluelessness of the game design team about what the players feel and what this game is all about.
Most of the most successful games have rng at their core, eg the Diablo series where rng determines your drops.
Looking at 5x 5* sig stones of a specific class, that’s 1/4 a full dupe of a 5* champ of your choice of that class. It isn’t as bad as it seems if you see it as 2500 5* shards.
And the biggest frustration for me with these sorts of quests is that it imbalances the game a fair bit. I mean think of last month. A new player might open say 5 greater last stand crystals, and get 2 5* awakening gems, whether as a veteran player could open 30 or so and get nothing but gold and maybe a few units.
I believe that guaranteed rewards are the best and most balanced way to do rewards systems. I really hope that Kabam can figure out how to innovate on that idea.
But hey. If you want the best shot at guaranteed value, do the stable rifts. I'll probably do one or two of them if I can, just because I really want the extra shards.
If you’re taking about pulls from crystals, we all know the odds and can only increase the chance of getting what we want by opening more of them.
Like I always tell my alliance members, if it’s beyond your control there’s no point getting angry and frustrated. Work with what you have and eventually you’ll pull what you want/need.
If there’s no rng in a game and by doing x action gives y results, then it’ll be boring no? Everyone will just get the same thing.
In this game it is possible you will never get something you could have hoped for since the game started in Dec. 2014. That is the painful truth of the difference of MCOC RNG and Diablo 2/3 RNG. My second 5* was Spidey og - got him end of 2017. Haven't duped him yet.
If I didn't stop playing Diablo 3 I am most certain by now all my stuff would be Primordial, probably able to clear level 90+ rifts solo with such gear.
You need to compare this game to another game that's as equally frustrating and heart breaking.
Whoever signed off on that Nick Fury event should be promoted to the position heading the whole Kabam MCOC team. I bet if that happened there will be a lot more fun and enjoyable event quests than ever, not the crappy and garbage ones we seem to be getting now.
I mean i had to max out Joefixit in order to beat the collector because the game just could not give me anything at all to work with. Which proves my point that something needs to give here.
I believe in most content, rewards are fixed, eg Story Acts, Variant, Monthly EQs etc. The randomness comes mainly from additional content that constitutes "free rewards" that we get from doing the "fixed rewards" content, which is acceptable.
Isn't this the exact reason why you stopped Diablo 3?
Items were too easily available, if you want to run solo Grifts Leaderboards you needed x set with highest possible stats and highest possible paragon and lucky Grift fishing. To get perfect items, you either needed to grind endless T10/13/16 (whichever is the highest Torment level is now) or speed run Grifts, transmute enough rare items, then grind your gems to augment them etc etc. End result is everyone has the same configuration, which is boring.
On your point though:
Yes, Diablo 3 became boring not only because of the grind but because Blizzard didn't put any variety into the way the rifts worked. While the maps were random it was very predictable. More of the same, every single time. That's not a problem here in MCOC except for arena grinders.
Going back to my original post, if we are to do your Diablo 3 analogy then imagine this: Level 1 GRift drops in Level 90 content. Many D3 players would probably quit if that ever happened.
Not just epic
It's a chance based game, I didn't pull anything great from previous quests (similar to these). Haven't pulled any new 5* recently (last one was Domino some 6 months back followed by all YJs of the world )
That's how the game is designed. Sometimes you get lucky, 90% of the time you won't lol.