iPhone 7 plus heat

I will start by saying this heat is only about the game in so far as it is the most system taxing thing I do...
I can play for about an hour (15 minutes plugged in) before the heat causes lag/glitch/freeze. Has anyone recently moved from 7 plus to 8... 7 plus to X? Is there a noticeable difference in 8 that doesn’t limit play or is iPhone X the sweet spot? As in no issue playing indefinitely plugged in or on battery??
I can play for about an hour (15 minutes plugged in) before the heat causes lag/glitch/freeze. Has anyone recently moved from 7 plus to 8... 7 plus to X? Is there a noticeable difference in 8 that doesn’t limit play or is iPhone X the sweet spot? As in no issue playing indefinitely plugged in or on battery??
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