Looking to merge group into another alliance

Our alliance creator has gone inactive. She was never very active to begin with, but now she's stopped logging in entirely. We probably have 4 months until her account (and our alliance) is deleted due to inactivity, but I'd like to find something sooner rather than later.

I'd like to merge the best of my group into another alliance, anywhere from 8 (with an average of 100k+ rating) to 15 (others are mix of fantastic fighters with lower rating and good/active role players) people depending on the strength and size of the group we are joining. I'm most comfortable moving 10-12. We've been running non-stop alliance war (tier 9-12) and alliance quest (map 3) with 2 full groups. We prefer designated paths in war to maximize exploration/beating boss.

Ideal alliance would be highly active (3-5 hours/day players) and focused on growth, but laid back (we love the game, but we all have full time jobs). Similar strength in rating and ability as our group and already at a high war tier (so we don't have to spend 1-2 months building it up). Global or western-centric, english speaking. We don't use line, but have some members open to it (and others like me willing to constantly message 20+ members to keep them up to date).

You can reach me in game as Blue-Devils.


  • Topher_TowersTopher_Towers Member Posts: 78
    Hi, I'm Topher, our leader just left our alliance too and several members kinda gave up. But several of us have stuck together and we're a global team. We're down to 14 committed active members, a couple of double accounts. We've been taking turns in AQ and AW still getting things done. We've been sticking out our smaller group cause we really have a great group dynamic. We too have been looking for a merger.
    I'll post some general photos of our alliance member ratings. Perhaps you and our leader can chat about it. We've been looking for people who enjoy the game as much as we do. We're not looking for power struggles, just looking to expand our alliance so we can all enjoy the benefits of AQ and AW rewards.
  • Topher_TowersTopher_Towers Member Posts: 78
  • Topher_TowersTopher_Towers Member Posts: 78
  • Topher_TowersTopher_Towers Member Posts: 78
  • Spidey076Spidey076 Member Posts: 310
    Sup hi bro if add me on line id atul0733.mine Alliance is 2.3mil.yeah kinda some sort of rating but mostly members are activr we play 2 bg in aw due to 23 members. map44433 in aq.win all 2 bg in aq.my Ingame name-Spidey076 or add me on line.
    My Alliance tag [_myth] i hope we could make agreement.
  • Topher_TowersTopher_Towers Member Posts: 78
    Getting an error that your friends list is full. Cant add you. You can also add me on Line, my ID is "topher-towers"
  • Senior_SpeedSenior_Speed Member Posts: 10
    I have about 10 -12 spots available in my alliance, we are look for people who are map 5 readyj1aspedh9hml.png
  • Breynolds11Breynolds11 Member Posts: 40
    Add me on line. I think my alliance might be perfect for you. Line ID: breynolds11
    My in game name is the same.
  • StretchnutsStretchnuts Member Posts: 78
    If the offer still stands add me on line
    LINEid: stretchnuts17
  • ghunt11ghunt11 Member Posts: 67
    AS15 tier 7-9 in war.. check us out, we have room for up to 12 members

    Game and line id is ghunt11
  • MheikalMheikal Member Posts: 91
    ALLIANCE - SynergyDogs [4Dogs]

    We are a good core group of 17 players looking to expand our alliance by either having new allies joining us or another alliance that would like to join ours. We are all daily players. All we ask is that you contribute daily. We also win most of our AWs, and would like to improve our overall standing here too.

    PM m_heikal in game/line if interested, or just join up!

    Here's to growing together!
  • MheikalMheikal Member Posts: 91
    ALLIANCE - SynergyDogs [4Dogs]

    We are a good core group of 17 players looking to expand our alliance by either having new allies joining us or another alliance that would like to join ours. We are all daily players. All we ask is that you contribute daily. We also win most of our AWs, and would like to improve our overall standing here too.

    PM m_heikal in game/line if interested, or just join up!

    Here's to growing together!
  • CokensarsCokensars Member Posts: 5
    I have a 55555 alliance looking for a group of ten.
    Good players only please. Map 5 expieeence.
  • Alkaline_fairyAlkaline_fairy Member Posts: 11
    We are looking as well to take in up to 10 players.
    Alliance tag is -h€x-
    Line I.d; alkaline_fairy.
    Look us up and if anyone is interested add wm and we'll talk.
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