Solo objective issues

1) I noticed if you hit a solo objective, and there's more levels to it, and you do the objective but don't claim the reward yet, you don't get credit for the next level. For example the coral event, if you do 1/10, finish 20 fights, but don't claim it, then you do fight number 21, claim the first reward after that, you won't get credit for a fight done for level 2/20. Can this be fixed? it should behave like milestones in an event.
2) can we please have an option to hide the solo objective popup? We don't need to see it every time we kill someone. just keep it contained in the solo objectives like regular events. Please
2) can we please have an option to hide the solo objective popup? We don't need to see it every time we kill someone. just keep it contained in the solo objectives like regular events. Please
2) that would make it harder to get the rewards because of number 1