Tips for act 5 bane.
Yesterday I decided to start trying to get uncollected. So after a day of disgusting nodes and the use of a few revives, I’ve made it to 5.2.5. I’m curious if there are any specific types of champions I should use for the bane node to decrease the amount of revives I’ll have to use.
P.S : don't panic if u take dmg from bane ... focus on transferring when u have the opportunity .
Use any champ..!
Thats All u need to know
Push to specials early in the cycle so you have time to bait, evade and punish.
This will increase the bane damage they will take. If the enemy is low hp (~20%) bane wont do much damage to you and you can play more relaxed
I suggest you keep starting over until you can get through the first 3 fights without losing much health. Once you can do that boost up and power through the rest of the way.
Good luck!