5x players are looking for a new Alliance.

First, let me apologize to those contacted me before to join their alliances, two more of our alliance will leave with us and that made things different.

Just to give you a background, we were only 8 then became 7 members managed to dig our way to tier 7 on our own ever since we failed to recruit members.
It was a great and tough journey and it cost us our progression.

Check the attached pictures, it will also show you how organized we are.

Now we seek to make it up.

If you are building a new Alliance and have great members but need a lot of time to dig through the tiers you are welcomed to merge with this Alliance and use it's current tier 8.

And if you are already a well-established alliance and seek members then the 5 of us are looking for your alliance.

We are seeking the following:
War: Gold+ using 3 BGs.
AQ: Map5


  • Capn_DanteCapn_Dante Member Posts: 579 ★★★
    We're looking for 4 to 5 to replace less active members/second accounts... We run maps 4/5 depending on the bg and are gold 2... Message our leader on line Dfl-freaknasty
  • RoosBoltonRoosBolton Member Posts: 97
    edited June 2019
    Im interested in having your 5 players. I have an established alliance in tier 7 and climbing. Hmu on line or in game at RoosBolton. The alliance is relatively new. Two active bgs in AQ and war. Looking for more great people. We run map 4&3 no donations. We will most likely stay at 2bgs in war for a while its FCFS for participating in it.

  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    Hey there, my alliance does map 5 and is in gold for AW, we are recruiting before the next AQ starts, and we could definitely use more organisation, so i would promote you guys to officers if you wanted to be.

    If you're interested, add me on line(same as forum name).

    Here's more info on the alliance: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/144880/10mil-map-5-alliance-looking-for-5-aw-gold-2-3#latest
  • YouconfusedYouconfused Member Posts: 274
    I could use you guys!? Add me on line @youconfused
  • MemphisUSFMemphisUSF Member Posts: 164
    MohammedHanafy, I have 4 spots open and the 5th will open when I have the replacement. An officer is retiring, but I am curious about the experience level of the lower ranked members. I sent you an in-game friend request.

    If You have line add me @apocolypse225
  • jammasterpjammasterp Member Posts: 128
    MohammedHanafy, if you're still looking then hit me up in the game or Line. Name is the same in both: jammasterp. I can make space for all of you.
  • MohammedHanafyMohammedHanafy Member Posts: 45
    Update: The alliance that was communicating with us had their leaving members change their hearts and now we are still looking for an Alliance.
  • jammasterpjammasterp Member Posts: 128
    Do you have a Line account? Mine is jammasterp
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