First duplicate 5*



  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    I duped my quake on like my sixth one
  • ErosenseiogErosenseiog Member Posts: 287
    Unduped streak continues and now I have 30 champs.I am on verge of openingmy first 6*, feeling kinda funny if I get to open that crystal before duping any of the 5*.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    I have only twenty-six 5* champs but all of them are unduped.I am actually happy as I am not interested in getting any of them duplicated except two/three.How many pulls did you need to get your first duplicated 5*?

    I was around 26-30
  • ErosenseiogErosenseiog Member Posts: 287

    I was at 10, Loki, now hes duped 5 times while I only have 26 5*

    That's heartbreaking mate.😕
  • ErosenseiogErosenseiog Member Posts: 287

    bm3epps said:

    Magik was my first 5* dupe and I have duped Hawkeye 2x which is a waste imo..I think you shouldn't be able to dupe a champ repeatedly after you already dupe them once

    Tell that to the guy with the sig 60 6* beast
    My condolences mate.
  • ErosenseiogErosenseiog Member Posts: 287

    i have 19 an none duped have a cosmic ag but only sim as a cosmic . maybe with this double monthly calander ill get lucky an get a skill gem for aegon

    I have a cosmic AG too to use on either Medusa or Hyperion. But I will hold on that AG before ranking up them to R4. 😊
  • ErosenseiogErosenseiog Member Posts: 287

    First duped was Iron Patriot. Second was Thor Ragnarok. I think maybe 5th and 15th crystals. I have about 18 champions.

    Not what you wanted at that point I suppose.
  • ErosenseiogErosenseiog Member Posts: 287

    Haven't gotten a dupe. Only one I want duped is PM or Medusa.
    I have 3 champs on the buff list, so if any of them get buffed and need sig ability to be good, I wouldn't mind duping them.

    Pardon my ignorance but who is PM? 🤔
  • ErosenseiogErosenseiog Member Posts: 287
    Folo said:

    It was my 6th and was RedSkul.and 7th&8th AnT man Glancing...

  • ErosenseiogErosenseiog Member Posts: 287
    Ctuchik said:

    Superior Iron man
    Black Panther
    Thor Jane Foster
    Venom dupe
    Rhino dupe
    Thor Rags
    Rhino Dupe (again)
    Blade dupe
    Nick Fury

    Nicely compensated for that first time dupe on Rhino by rng God. ☺
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    4th, was also my first 5*
    Rocket Raccoon
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,332 ★★★★★

    Haven't gotten a dupe. Only one I want duped is PM or Medusa.
    I have 3 champs on the buff list, so if any of them get buffed and need sig ability to be good, I wouldn't mind duping them.

    Pardon my ignorance but who is PM? 🤔
    Proxima Midnight.
  • PrathapPrathap Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    Got Blade and GR at r4 and waiting for the past 1 year to dupe either one of them., All I got duped was for Magneto, Cyclops (Red &Blue) and IP... Some stupid RNG :(
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    She hulk at crystal #13
  • B_RabbittB_Rabbitt Member Posts: 137
    I can't remember how many crystal it took me to get my first duplicate 5* but there was a time that I pulled and duplicated a 5* Bishop within a week.
  • WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    21 5* ----- 5 of them duped magneto, venom, juggs, hawkeye and karnak

    1st 5* magneto duped on third crystal then duped venom on 5th and juggs and hawkeye on 9th and 12th pull
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