Looking for a few players to join us

We are a 9.9mil alliance and AQ focused doing 44444, 44444 and 43333. We reach over 60 mil every week.

We also do the minimum wars needed for rewards during seasons.

No donations, we just need participation.

Reach me on Line: PBTLN

Thank you :)


  • NopedroooNopedrooo Member Posts: 116
    Also, we look forward to do map 5 when we get the right teams
  • Jab14Jab14 Member Posts: 9
    Pls let me know your alliance name
  • NopedroooNopedrooo Member Posts: 116
    Jab14 said:

    Pls let me know your alliance name

    [TDASG] The Dark Asguardians
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