Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


Where's the multi-month calendar it's not appearing or anything I've even said "sweet Christmas" when 2 am GMT+2 it's not fair that I used the catch phrase for nothing... And want those rewards too but y'know... Forget it just fix it :)


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    SquggamSquggam Posts: 6
    It's a fake lol I'm not seeing it either
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    xs03xxs03x Posts: 20
    My brother got the Summoner appreciation calendar but I didn't???
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    I deleted the game and reloaded it and still no calendar.
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    Guess it will show tomorrow since I claimed with the bug. We shall see
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    XxXxXxXxXxXx Posts: 4
    I don't have it either... this won't effect rewards will it
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    DoonxDoonx Posts: 182
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    Be Patient Fellow MCOC lover, its not easy though to maintain the game
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    DoonxDoonx Posts: 182
    It happened again. Wow!!! The last time it happened I was not able to update the app before the new calendar. But now I updated asap but still 1-day behind. Just WOW!!!
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    Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Posts: 805 ★★★★
    I tried to update before, and after, and still nothing.

    Not feeling very appreciated.
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    CotrutsaCotrutsa Posts: 14
    edited July 2019
    looks like tomorrow we should get the calendar... and they added a grace day so we don't loose anything
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    D3v1b33t3rD3v1b33t3r Posts: 2
    Me nor my husband have the new calendar either and as leader of my alliance i checked to see if anyone else is missing it and quite a few people are wtf kabam? Some sort of response would be awesome thank you -d3v1b33t3r
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    CotrutsaCotrutsa Posts: 14


    There was an issue that caused the calendar to not appear right away. We’ve fixed the issue, and the calendar should be available to anybody that has not claimed the other calendar rewards today.

    Unfortunately, anybody that has already logged in before the fix will have to wait for the Calendar to reset tomorrow, and will be one day behind. We’ve added another grace day to the end of the Calendar to compensate for this.

    I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I know how much you were all looking forward to it.

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    D3v1b33t3rD3v1b33t3r Posts: 2
    Thanks kabam miike
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    XxXxXxXxXxXx Posts: 4
    I hope it won't effect the rewards... it will cause hysteria if it does
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    Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Posts: 4,676
    Hey guys, we posted an announcement HERE about this issue. To help keep the Forum tidy, I'll go ahead and close this discussion.
This discussion has been closed.