Anyone awakened Doc Oc yet?

DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
edited August 2017 in General Discussion
So I pulled 4* Doc Oc and 4* Stark Spidey from the crystal deal today. I have a tech awakening gem and I know Spidey hits like a train, but Docs breakthroughs look like they have awesome potential. Any feedback/opinions?



  • HarcourtmazeHarcourtmaze Member Posts: 77
    First of all dude you got some insane luck and second no sorry I cannot help you as I don't have either but nice pull.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Someone in my alliance awakened a 3*
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    Someone in my alliance awakened a 3*
    Ask him how he is and report back. I'm really waffling on which one to awaken

  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    First of all dude you got some insane luck and second no sorry I cannot help you as I don't have either but nice pull.

    0-7 on featured 5* crystals, hardly lucky :-/
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    I can't speak for Doc Oc, but tech spidey is amazing duped. His poise stack naturally gives him more attack, but duped it raises his crit rate above 50% health. Below 50% health it increases BP and gives an extra 7% evade. In short, you can't go wrong awakening tech spidey.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    Viper1987 wrote: »
    I can't speak for Doc Oc, but tech spidey is amazing duped. His poise stack naturally gives him more attack, but duped it raises his crit rate above 50% health. Below 50% health it increases BP and gives an extra 7% evade. In short, you can't go wrong awakening tech spidey.

    Hes a monster for sure. I'm just very intrigued by Docs power control and life style possibilities for AW and questing
  • ThatsausageThatsausage Member Posts: 214
    Why should this be a question? Awaken Stark Spoder.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    Why should this be a question? Awaken Stark Spoder.

    Have you used Doc? If not then it's a question. If he can power control those Magiks in AW that might be invaluable
  • Shadow_roastShadow_roast Member Posts: 399
    Yes doc oc seems alot better than gg, id say wait till we see vids
  • Valar_DoheirisValar_Doheiris Member Posts: 2
    Doc Ocs sig is straight broken right now. None of the abilities work, it just keeps doing the non-awakened breakthroughs.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    Doc Ocs sig is straight broken right now. None of the abilities work, it just keeps doing the non-awakened breakthroughs.

    Well that's quite disturbing, and wholly expected
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Though Doc oc's duped ability is broken now I would hold off on the awakening gem till he's fixed. Stark spidey does not at all need to be duped he still has everything he needs to be a god tier champ without being duped. Doc oc however gets most of his use with his awakened ability with the power steal and health steal so I would wait till he's fixed get the community's consensus on him then choose who to awaken
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    Sungj wrote: »
    Though Doc oc's duped ability is broken now I would hold off on the awakening gem till he's fixed. Stark spidey does not at all need to be duped he still has everything he needs to be a god tier champ without being duped. Doc oc however gets most of his use with his awakened ability with the power steal and health steal so I would wait till he's fixed get the community's consensus on him then choose who to awaken

    I want to see from who is playing with him exactly what the "bugs" are
  • adqqedfyvradqqedfyvr Member Posts: 463
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    DalBot wrote: »

    I want to see from who is playing with him exactly what the "bugs" are

    If you go into this months event quest and fight doc oc you'l be his breakthrough abilities haven't changed to his duped breakthrough abilities and from what I heard this is still happening when you play a duped doc oc
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    Any verdicts yet?
  • BeauhemothBeauhemoth Member Posts: 5
    It's not "broken". Doctor Octopus sig ability is working fine. It's turns physics into an ability similar to Doctor Voodoo special 3, when the opponent would gain power (either through attacking, blocking, or buffs [Hyperion]), instead they lose power and Doc Oct gains a little. The zig ability turns biology into an ability similiar to Guilliote special 2, when the opponent would gain health (either through willpower, regen, or buff[SIM], instead they lose health and Doc Oct gains a little. Physics works nice versus Hyperion, DS, power gain nodes, etc, while biology works nice versus IM,SIM,IP, RoL Wolverine, etc
  • BeauhemothBeauhemoth Member Posts: 5
    RoL Wolverine versus Doc Octopus
  • OmarOmar Member Posts: 36
    so his sig is working as intended? am i wrong in being very underwhelmed? his life steal only happens when opponent regens? yikes
  • OmarOmar Member Posts: 36
    @Kabam Miike can we get some type of confirmation on this?
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  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    His attacks are called "physics" and "biology"? Yet hes not a science champ. Cuz God forbid we get a new decent science champ.
  • BeauhemothBeauhemoth Member Posts: 5
    Doc Oc awakened
    Since I already beat Wolvie, I tried to go back in and show different strats, trying to keep all 3 breakthroughs active proved to be too difficult, 10 seconds versus 3.5 seconds to obtain a special 1 is a huge difference. Keeping one active is pretty easy once you have special 3.
  • Eos_Nano_XEos_Nano_X Member Posts: 304
    First of all dude you got some insane luck and second no sorry I cannot help you as I don't have either but nice pull.

    Its not Insane Luck if your up in the top 1000 people...
    Drop rates are better the higher up you go.
  • BowtechBowtech Member Posts: 3
    @Beauhemoth thats crazy! I just rolled a 4star doc and was curious how he is.
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