Anyone awakened Doc Oc yet?

So I pulled 4* Doc Oc and 4* Stark Spidey from the crystal deal today. I have a tech awakening gem and I know Spidey hits like a train, but Docs breakthroughs look like they have awesome potential. Any feedback/opinions?

0-7 on featured 5* crystals, hardly lucky :-/
Hes a monster for sure. I'm just very intrigued by Docs power control and life style possibilities for AW and questing
Have you used Doc? If not then it's a question. If he can power control those Magiks in AW that might be invaluable
Well that's quite disturbing, and wholly expected
I want to see from who is playing with him exactly what the "bugs" are
If you go into this months event quest and fight doc oc you'l be his breakthrough abilities haven't changed to his duped breakthrough abilities and from what I heard this is still happening when you play a duped doc oc
Since I already beat Wolvie, I tried to go back in and show different strats, trying to keep all 3 breakthroughs active proved to be too difficult, 10 seconds versus 3.5 seconds to obtain a special 1 is a huge difference. Keeping one active is pretty easy once you have special 3.
Its not Insane Luck if your up in the top 1000 people...
Drop rates are better the higher up you go.