Returning player, seeking advice

Marden_JMarden_J Member Posts: 3
It's been forever and a day since I last played this and I'm not sure if I should bail on my original account and start fresh. I know for a fact I didn't really know what I was doing when I first played - and it shows.

I'm summoner level 41. I have a couple of four-star champs (and a hefty number of twos and threes), with my highest champ being Venom @ 2,426 hero rating. I looked to see where I left off in the story (Act 3, Chapter 4, part 6 - Thanos Enters) and the best team I can assemble is woefully inadequate to even think about doing it, at 7,962 total rating.

With no gold, no credits, very few catalysts, and no desire to spend any real cash: give up and start again? Or is there a recommended way out of this mess I have myself in?


  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Well, I would say arena however, as your account is old, you'll be in the veteran's bracket. You could keep going by grinding out Battlechips, Gold, and Units via the arenas to get rolling again via the milestones. Unfortunately getting the champs from the Arenas is gonna be rather difficult all things considered.

    What masteries do you currently have unlocked @Marden_J ? How many 4* champs do you have ranked up other than Venom? Which 3* chamos have you maxed out? If you could take a few screenshots of your roster, I could try to help you work with whatchyah got.
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  • Marden_JMarden_J Member Posts: 3
    For 4's, I currently have:

    Venom - rank 3/5
    Winter Soldier - 2/5
    Captain Marvel (just got) - 1/5
    Agent Venom - 1/5
    Scarlet Witch - 3/5

    Maxed 3's:
    Luke Cage
    Iron Man

    Strength 9/9
    Greater Strength 9/9
    Courage 3/3
    Vitality 1/9
    Greater Vitality 1/9
    Block Proficiency 2/4
    Perfect Block 4/4
    Stand Your Ground 5/5
    Parry 1/3
    Limber 1/5

    So...I guess that's a mess lol
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    Marden_J said:

    For 4's, I currently have:

    Venom - rank 3/5
    Winter Soldier - 2/5
    Captain Marvel (just got) - 1/5
    Agent Venom - 1/5
    Scarlet Witch - 3/5

    Maxed 3's:
    Luke Cage
    Iron Man

    Strength 9/9
    Greater Strength 9/9
    Courage 3/3
    Vitality 1/9
    Greater Vitality 1/9
    Block Proficiency 2/4
    Perfect Block 4/4
    Stand Your Ground 5/5
    Parry 1/3
    Limber 1/5

    So...I guess that's a mess lol

    I think you should take points out of Stand your Ground, get Atleast 1 point In dexterity and then focus on getting cruelty and precision
  • Ah_boy8Ah_boy8 Member Posts: 70
    Arena and join an alliance
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,261 ★★★★★
    I will suggest starting over again if you were at Level 20 or below. As you are at Level 41, it would be better to continue on.

    1/ larger storage for items (catalysts)
    2/ more mastery points
    3/ have a couple of 4-Stars

    I assume you will not be grinding arena (even if you start a new account).

    Joining an alliance is good but only if you have time.

    I really don't see starting all over again giving a massive advantage over continuing because of RNG.

    You may wish to concentrate on
    i/ getting a hang of the fight mechanics
    ii/ read the champion spotlights to understand champ's abilities
    iii/ accumulate units (I think there will be mastery sale at end of year)
    - through monthly event quests
    - first two milestones of arenas
    - login calendar

    After two or three months, you can reassess which game mode interests you more and plan accordingly.

  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    As it was previously mentioned, Dexterity is a must have Mastery. The reason I mentioned screenshots is due to seeing your entire roster. Some 3* champs can be useful where you're currently at. Is SW awakened? If so, she'll be helpful.

    Here's a link to some solid Mastery Builds.

    Do a bit of reading and you'll find a nice starter build to mirror. Then go from there. Also, as previously mentioned, clean house in Acts 1-3. By then you should have some more champs and the starting of a roster that can handle Act 4. Utilize XP boosts whenever possible in Act 4 to max out your chances at leveling up faster for more Mastery points.

    Arena is your key to easy Gold and Units. The Monthly Event Quest will help you stack up more rank up junk, and hero shards. You should be all good to handle Heroic without too much hassle. Master might be a bit out of reach right now. Once you get the mechanics of the newer champs down, you'll have an easier time navigating other aspects of the game.

    A solid Alliance is also a great way to move up faster. Don't be detoured by an Alliance that uses an outside communication app like Line or Discord. They're likely a bit more organized, and will be able to help you by directing you to more resources for knowledge. YouTube is a fantastic spot to pickup new tricks. Then practice, practice, practice in arena. Get your Parry and Dexterity timing down to a perfect science. Then you'll be well on your way to clearing harder content and allocating better champs.

    Just out of curiosity, which Captain Marvel did you get? The original, or the movie version? If you got the movie version, she might be quite helpful in times to come. If you want further clarification on anything, feel free to tag me and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. The 1 thing this game requires more than anything is time. So don't be discouraged if you don't fly through it. It takes some dedication to get through, but it gets easier simply due to repetition. You chose a good time to come back as they're running a fantastic 3 month login rewards calendar for Summoner Appreciation. Even if you don't have the time to play for a day, make sure you login once every 24 hours to get those rewards. Best of luck out there!
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,685 ★★★★★
    Your masteries are horrible lol. If you are going to grind arena I'd say start over and take advantage of the beginner's bracket. If you aren't there is no reason to start over. Just play the game and fix your masteries. Lot's of mastery guides out there or hit me up on Line app if you like. lenoirfaineant is my ID
  • smy168smy168 Member Posts: 234 ★★
    They didn't give a "thank you for returning" package?
  • Marden_JMarden_J Member Posts: 3
    I appreciate everyone who sent me tips. After a week of playing, I remembered why I deleted the app in the first place:

    The endless stream of useless 2 and 3 star champions. The ridiculous time requirements to farm up leveling material/gold - for gameplay that just isn't inherently that deep, being on mobile.

    Oh well. It was fun collecting a Venom the Duck? I guess?
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,261 ★★★★★
    Marden_J said:

    Oh well. It was fun collecting a Venom the Duck? I guess?

    This champ is rated God-tier by some.
  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    Marden_J said:

    For 4's, I currently have:

    Venom - rank 3/5
    Winter Soldier - 2/5
    Captain Marvel (just got) - 1/5
    Agent Venom - 1/5
    Scarlet Witch - 3/5

    Maxed 3's:
    Luke Cage
    Iron Man

    Strength 9/9
    Greater Strength 9/9
    Courage 3/3
    Vitality 1/9
    Greater Vitality 1/9
    Block Proficiency 2/4
    Perfect Block 4/4
    Stand Your Ground 5/5
    Parry 1/3
    Limber 1/5

    So...I guess that's a mess lol

    thanos in act3 isn't really difficult, with my second account i killed it with a 4 star R2 Dormammu (taking away around 90% health) followed by my maxed 3 star OG thor, and only because i refused to dex his specials and block damage killed me.

    Go with Venom, Ag Venom, Cage, winter soldier and colossus (or take out colossus for a champ that has a sinergy with the others), unlock and max Parry/Dexterity, learn how to dex Thanos' specials and you won't have any problem :)
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