SHIELD Markers are way too less I guess!!!

Some amount of markers should have been given out with the normal monthly EQ like the atlantean corals. Feels like a race against time to complete the normal EQ, objectives and then finish the side quest. I maybe wrong but this month gives a feeling that I may run out of time due to shield markers and energy.
But I’ve got 11k right now, used 1k already for an epic run. So I technically have enough for the entirety of epic. It’s another 9k for masters. Which would be a total of 21k shield markers. I figure I’ll end up with 24k-25k ish not including from the calendar or finishing masters side quest.
I was “fortunate” to have completed the rng champ collecting goals. I haven’t done much arena goals (2 or 3 goals completed from the 2 goals available). But nearly done the questing goals (I am done the fight with but not the fight against).