Is Mysterio bugged, missing a node, or am I accidentally baiting heavies?

If this has already been addressed please just direct me.
I've been having issues with Mysterio being significantly more aggressive with heavy attacks. Below is a link of me taking black bolt against the master difficulty, and there are several instances where I feel like I haven't baited heavies. I feel like it makes sense that Mysterio would heavy more often because of the stall tactics the player needs to take after an sp1/sp2. I just feel like a node stating an increased frequency might be missing, or he's bugged.
Link to video:
I've been having issues with Mysterio being significantly more aggressive with heavy attacks. Below is a link of me taking black bolt against the master difficulty, and there are several instances where I feel like I haven't baited heavies. I feel like it makes sense that Mysterio would heavy more often because of the stall tactics the player needs to take after an sp1/sp2. I just feel like a node stating an increased frequency might be missing, or he's bugged.
Link to video:
