well this was unexpected..
finally got the catalysts I needed to send my 5 star void up another level....then ran out of gold to use to apply the ISO to him! is there a quick way to farm gold that anyone knows?! the one thing I didn't see myself ever running out of!!
Eq actually gives not too much... maybe do act 3 or 4 or 5 100%? Act 5.1. is pretty easy and gives lot of iso and Gold!
Otherwhiles, if youre iso is going to disappear, you can still sell one half of it and you gonna get Gold to use the other half on the Void :P
I am currently working through getting 100% on act 4
I have tried 5 but 5.1 keeps defeating me, I have not quite mastered getting through the battles quick enough to beat the degeneration buff, I am normally quite defensive so to have to go all out attack means changing my style, hasn't worked out yet! Nightcrawler keeps taking me out! he's one of those champs that really causes me issues!