Alternate Appearances!

With the introduction of pre-fight abilities working well into the UI and gameplay, I had the idea that maybe an Alternate Appearance button could be introduced as well. Preferentially to older, more common champions first. Perhaps one or maybe even two could be released monthly. I always love to see added costumes to games, and given that this is really just a creative addition, I think that merely a recolour (not a remodel) is a reasonable request. Enemies could take the alternate appearance in mirror matches ofc.

This would remove the need to make entirely new champions for new outfits like with Deadpool, Cyclops and Vision while still also giving players the fulfillment of having that enhanced lore (in a sense).

This would mesh PERFECTLY with characters like Spider-Man Classic (giving him his old gray/black outfit), Stark Spider-Man (Giving him his Far From Home outfit), Iron Man (Giving him his Stealth Suit), the Fantastic Four (Future Foundation outfits), all of the Deadpools, Venom and Agent Venom could get the Antivenom versions, Gambit (Horseman of the Apocalypse), Green Goblin (Hobgoblin), Kingpin (Black Tux a la Into the Spider Verse), Grey Hulk, Red She-Hulk, White Tee Luke Cage, Phoenix Cyclops (Red)

If you really wanted to go nuts with it, you could make casual or unmasked versions of characters too! Unmasked Deadpool, Unmasked Spiderman, Helmet-less Iron Man, Unmasked Wolverine and X-23, Unmasked Captain America.

Cheers anyway, I would love like you have no idea to see this implemented someday :smile:
I can't imagine it would take much dev time to simply reskin some characters once you add in the alt app. function.
Best of luck,



  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    No. This would alter the foundation of the game to heavily. And it would ruin any fun a collector would have in the game
  • Alakzar117Alakzar117 Member Posts: 29
    What foundation of the game is altered too heavily? And even if it were, what's wrong with a little creative expansion and progression? Maybe the alternate appearance could only be unlocked if awakened - that could be your collector aspect
  • Alakzar117Alakzar117 Member Posts: 29
    They could be unlocked by playing the same champion in let's say 150 fights, or by maxing the awakened ability even. It doesn't have to be easy but I'd love to see it.
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