Color blindness - please consider this

Hey Kabam
I am one of many males (1 out of 16 or so) who is color blind.
Usually I have a really hard time reading what ever message you put forward when using red. However this latest message in the Sigil event is completely impossible for me to read. I can barely see that there is any text due to the contrast you are using (red on grey dark’ish back ground).
Luckily I’m not a pilot nor a police officer. However I like to be able to read the info provided by you.
Please consider this in the future.

I am one of many males (1 out of 16 or so) who is color blind.
Usually I have a really hard time reading what ever message you put forward when using red. However this latest message in the Sigil event is completely impossible for me to read. I can barely see that there is any text due to the contrast you are using (red on grey dark’ish back ground).
Luckily I’m not a pilot nor a police officer. However I like to be able to read the info provided by you.
Please consider this in the future.

Question for you just out of curiosity... Does color blindness have an affect anywhere else in the game for you? I'm curious if fighting is ever difficult if it's with a champ like Daredevil or someone else who is made up of predominantly red colors.
@Kabam Vydious perhaps you guys could add the ability to tap on a catalyst in the stash and it will tell you what it is. Could help out in the situation that @SiriusBreak is describing.