So honest statement here on 6 star champs
First off, we know Kabam wants to extended the game as long as possible as 6 star champs is one way to keep the interest level high. I for one am fine with that, but....
In some ways, this is an insult to those who spend a long time upgrading, waiting for the t2a and all the effort and time. Now, we need to start all over again with money in our pockets.
I for one am not going to fall for this. I'll assess where this goes in the future and leave like I believe a lot of others will who put so much time for 5 star heroes and even 4* champs.
Instead of this, why can't you introduce more features like better arenas, bases, new content, etc.
In some ways, this is an insult to those who spend a long time upgrading, waiting for the t2a and all the effort and time. Now, we need to start all over again with money in our pockets.
I for one am not going to fall for this. I'll assess where this goes in the future and leave like I believe a lot of others will who put so much time for 5 star heroes and even 4* champs.
Instead of this, why can't you introduce more features like better arenas, bases, new content, etc.
I would rather see an update to the existing players out there. But regardless, cheers to something else to grind for.
I don't want to sell my current champs, but what benefit is there to having all those resources in those champs, and no reason to ever use them...
Change the expiration time on class ISO to 60 -90 days, basic is always easy to use but you may not always have a champ for the specific class ISO to rank up... yes you can use it on another champ, but it just seems like a waste... especially since what champs you get is random...
If you are going to advance things in the game, at least allow us to use the resources we have built up in the game to do so with it.
That's not at all reasonable. Having 6*'s introduced later down the road does not warrant RDT's. They didn't do it when 5*'s were introduced. They didn't do it when 4*'s were. The only ones implying everything else will be useless are the Players. That doesn't make it the case. If you want to wait 6-8 months for people to get them mainstream and use nothing but your one 6*, be my guest. What people spent time investing in is not wasted because something new is coming. That's not how progressing in the game works.
So answer me this, how often do you use your 1-2* champs in the game currently? I cannot tell you the last time I used them or even my 3*s for that matter... so what benefit am I gaining for them sitting on my bench for the rest of the time I play this game? The fact that they didn't do it when the introduced 5*s means they weren't thinking far enough into the future of the ramifications of making these champs obsolete...
Disagree that it keeps interest high. All they are introducing is the same champs with higher stats. Just as you stated, if Kabam really wants to extend longevity, bring NEW CONTENT. Not rehashed old content. Heck, Alliance Bases have been coming soon for a long while.
After gaining a reasonable amount of 3*s to get ground in 4* arena, I stopped using my 1* & 2*s. Now, I ocassionally dust off my 3*s in the 4* arena when its a basic I want and during Item Use.
People haven't even been able to Max a 5* yet. Jumping the gun and saying that 4*'s will be obsolete is not sound. They won't be available for play until next year. Much less building a sufficient Roster to make others useless. I use my 3*'s everyday. I'm a Grinder. 1*'s and 2*'s are collectibles. If I wanted to run them for fun, I could. This game is no different than any other where people outgrow certain aspects. It still adds to overall Rating, SA, Events, and other aspects. If people choose to focus on the highest only, that's totally up to them. That doesn't mean they are useless for the rest of the people playing. People don't deserve compensation for Ranking Champs they've used in the past. In fact, it's so far off from being a regular thing that the reactions are not in sync with reality.
If someone have no 4* and 5* are beyond his hope, 3* are still obsolete to AW, AQ, LOL, Act 4 and so on. The usefulness of a Tier is no related to your current roster but what you could complete with it, argue it is a fallacy. Then yep, those tiers are now deprecated and even obsoleted.
I'm not suggesting that the ideas I mentioned be done now, more along the lines when the 6*s are released... my point of the RDT was so that you could still hold onto your champs as collectibles, if you do not use them... and use the resources that you put into them on champs that you are currently using... be it 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9* champs when they choose to release them... if you rank down your lower star champs then rank up your higher star champs, I would think your overall rating would still increase... I'm not asking for cash back, just the ability to repurpose the resources of my champs, in order to play the content That is available to play... be it a 2* arena or chapter 6 of the story event when it is released.