Soo... I know what legends run mean,but how many there are? And how many people get it? Other rewards than the title?
The top 100 fastest times over a 2 week window in most event quests (exploring 100% heroic and master) will get you the legend title. Same with new story quest content. The top 3 or 5 best times get 3 x T4 class catalysts along with the title. The rest of the top 100 get 1 x Tier 4 class catalyst along with the title. Honestly it’s really just the title people are going for. If people are doing it for the rewards, it is a really expensive way to obtain a Tier 4 class catalyst considering the quest energy refills and boosts that are needed to do the run.
Maxed dup lvl 200 Corvus 30 boosts all the way
A guy in my alliance
What other places can we look