Need to reclassify correctly so many champions

DarchonDarchon Member Posts: 16
Let me start out by saying that I happen to have worked at Marvel under the late, great Mark Gruenwald (founder of the definitive Handbook to the Marvel Universe) and I inherited the mantle of “definer” during my time writing the Beast Files for Marvel Vision and Daily Bugle for (which have been adapted as their current wiki). So in short, there are few who can despite my credentials when it comes to categorizing characters in the Marvel Universe.

While there are some champions who could straddle multiple categories you have set up (such as Blade who could be Mystic) there are MANY who you have that are just plain wrong. Especially troubling are your categories for mutant.

Deadpool, for instance, could be skill or science as he was created by Weapon X program and NOT a mutant. You could perhaps argue that he is defined as mutant in the movies and make a case for him, so this one is on the bubble (tho the movies are in fact wrong on this matter).

But then there are many who you classify as mutant that in no Universe of their origin are... Mister Sinister was a human who was augmented by Apocalypse. He is science pure and simple. Same goes for Omega are who is literally the Russian equivalent of Captain America. Sorry, appearing in an X-Men comic does NOT a mutant make. If you’re struggling to fill the ranks of mutants, I suggest reclassify Phoenix and/or Warlock, both of whom are also truly classified as mutants. (Yes warlock is a machine, but a biological one born a mutant to his race). Warlock could also be classified a cosmic being.

Mystic is another category with some problem children. Jane Thor would better be classified a cosmic, as the hammer bestowed the cosmic powers of Thor. She is a bubble though and could be forgiven but not the next two. Ebony Maw is cosmic pure and simple. There is no way he is Mystic. Neither his comic nor cinema incarnations are anything but alien and cosmic in nature. Diablo is another. He is an alchemist and belongs solely to science. He has used CHEMICALS AND SCIENCE. He is in NO way mystical beyond his name.

I applaud the game for being enjoyable and trying to be a means of expanding interest in comics, but please be respectful of your source material and the creators such as Stan Lee whose works deserve our respect.


  • DarchonDarchon Member Posts: 16
    (Typed on iPad so autocorrect errors may have occurred)
  • CliffordcanCliffordcan Member Posts: 1,341 ★★★★
  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    Dude alchemy IS mysticism
  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    Speculative philosophy already sonds super scientific. Also transmutation is not science

  • DarchonDarchon Member Posts: 16
    Just because you can type does not make what you say true, contrary to popular modern belief. A few minutes of research would yield facts, not opinions as facts as you posit.

    Transmutation IS science and is in fact done.

    And you’re arguing with a guy whose job it was to literally define characters at Marvel for years... definitions they still use to this day.

    Diablo is science. Period. Not mystic. Nothing about him is magical. Nothing.
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    Does anybody care though?
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  • iW0nderingWolfiW0nderingWolf Member Posts: 81
    @Darchito I get where you are coming from but just remember this is a game. No one is perfect. And science and mutant is a bit of a crossover. Surely captain America could be mutant or science as he was created by science but underwent a mutation. Same with other mutants which you are saying should be science. A change in their genes in comparison to a normal human makes them a 'mutant' and lots of Champions are classed by there abilities. For example Jane Foster has nullify which is a mystic ability.

    In Avengers infinity War Ebony Maw literally challenges and kinda defeats the master of the mystic arts and can move things with his hands. This could make him a mutant if you think about it or it could make him mystic.

    Anyway anything is subjective and ambiguous as to which class they would be and it is fine how they are now tbh. So don't try to fix something which isn't broken
  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    Darchon said:

    Just because you can type does not make what you say true, contrary to popular modern belief. A few minutes of research would yield facts, not opinions as facts as you posit.

    Transmutation IS science and is in fact done.

    And you’re arguing with a guy whose job it was to literally define characters at Marvel for years... definitions they still use to this day.

    Diablo is science. Period. Not mystic. Nothing about him is magical. Nothing.

    Your link agrees with me though. I was talking about chemical transmutation. With chemical reactions. You know.. the thing Diablo supposedly does. Unless you're telling me that his equipment includes a nuclear reactor or something. Or maybe he's using radioactive materials but then he wouldn't be an alchemist, he'd be a physicist
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,492 ★★★★★
    FR33_HUG5 said:

    This is getting interesting.

    Yo, give me some of the corn.

    You cannot watch on an empty stomach ya know
  • DarchonDarchon Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2019
    In the MARVEL UNIVERSE Mutants are defined as beings born with the X-Gene. Being MUTATED Homo sapiens is not the definition of a MUTANT “homo superior” as it pertains to the MARVEL UNIVERSE (you know... the thing this game is set in.)

    So, no... Deadpool in the comics is NO. Sinister is a NO. Omega Red is a NO. Captain America is a NO.
  • DarchonDarchon Member Posts: 16
    As far as Ebony Maw, no he doesn’t use mystic powers, he is a cosmic being. Cosmic in this game mechanics is defined as alien in origin. You know... the thing he is. Mystic is magic or extra dimensional. You know... the things he ISN’T.

    If you want to get down to it, Maw doesn’t even have powers in the comics, he uses technology. So if we went with the comics, he would be tech.
  • DarchonDarchon Member Posts: 16
    Voltolos said:

    Your link agrees with me though. I was talking about chemical transmutation. With chemical reactions. You know.. the thing Diablo supposedly does. Unless you're telling me that his equipment includes a nuclear reactor or something. Or maybe he's using radioactive materials but then he wouldn't be an alchemist, he'd be a physicist

    You stated it did not exist. It does. And again, you’re arguing against The dictionary. Alchemy was a science (do you need that definition) not mysticism. Just because you played a video game that presented Alchemy as mystical, doesn’t negate that A) the historical practice was science (albeit flawed and false) and B) that the CHARACTER was a genius level scientist in the MARVEL COMICS (which you clearly don’t know).

    Using leeches for medicinal purpose we know is quackery but it was at least an ATTEMPT at science based on a false methodology. There are procedures doctors and scientists learn they have been wrong about on almost a constant basis. It doesn’t negate them practicing science.

    But enough of feeding the troll. Why don’t you try something unique in the world of the Internet and when you don’t know what you’re talking about, remain silent? Or even more rare... when proven wrong, admit it and apologize. Because these are FACTS which are NOT subject to opinions. Please astound us all with such a rare feat.
  • Parodical_Sun1Parodical_Sun1 Member Posts: 143
    Why did Kabam make Ben Grimm aka The Thing a Science champ when he and the Fantastic 4 champs got their powers from cosmic rays.
  • Duke_KingdomDuke_Kingdom Member Posts: 15
    Why so serious? Obviously, I can't argue with the classifications, but what happens when they are implemented? Would there be suddenly a mass increase in a certain class? Did Kabam purposely do this to balance the ratio so that there would be around equal class members? I'm quite curious. But I do not, however, see the point in squabbling over definitions for a small victory. Seems meaningless. But I digress.
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    You are aware they have acknowledged that marvel has a big say in class and tags on champions right? So the class and tags on champions comes from Marvel to a degree.

    Also you claiming to be this or that has no proof that you worked for marvel.

  • DarchonDarchon Member Posts: 16

    Why did Kabam make Ben Grimm aka The Thing a Science champ when he and the Fantastic 4 champs got their powers from cosmic rays.

    Cosmic rays doesn’t make you a cosmic character. Cosmic as defined by this game means cosmic BEINGS or powers of ALIEN origin. Cosmic rays are a form of radiation. Same as Gamma rays that created the hulk. Or the radioactive spider that bit Peter Parker. Thing and all the FF are absolutely and only Science.
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