I am done because of the 6 star champs coming out.

ChrisA19978ChrisA19978 Member Posts: 55
Hearing this make me feel like my 2 years of work are all for nothing because my 60 plus 4 star champs become pretty much worthless some which I grinded for days to get so it's basically starting from scratch. It will widen the gap of the big spenders to the people who play casually even more. I guess I will give my account to one of my buddies so he can have better champs than what he has now. I stuck through a lot but this is too much for me now. Good luck to all of you I am out. I just can't see myself starting a new collection of 6 star champs.


  • Mayor_PufNStufMayor_PufNStuf Member Posts: 7
    Have you seen the ammount some people spend on this game? Its absolutely insane. The 6 star gap is gonna be yuuuuuge
  • ChrisA19978ChrisA19978 Member Posts: 55
    Yes I know a few and it's why I am quitting maybe I need to take up Pokemon Go my wife and daughters love it. Wasn't in my generation but sounds like they just add new Pokemon and not different levels. Plus I can be playing a game with my family not by myself. I quit the last game because how crazy they got and this game it the same keep the whales happy make them spend more and get widen the already large gap they have on most people who play.
  • WafflesalldayWafflesallday Member Posts: 189
    I did think that 5*s were going to have a longer time on top as well
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    Thanks for another quitting post. It adds nothing to the forums besides clutter. Also, see you in game because 99.999% of people say they're going to quit and don't.
  • ChrisA19978ChrisA19978 Member Posts: 55
    You can't even max them out yet even if the release T5B now knowing that you have 6 star champs coming out why would you max them out when you could make your new 6 star champ even more of a beast in a few months. I lost any and all interest in this game right after I read this announcement of 6 star champs.Its pretty sad because I was looking forward to hopefully getting a 5 star Hulk ranking him up to 4 and using him as an attacker. Now I lost all interest and plan to give my account to one of my friends who is still interested in playing this game. Everything has to end and this is what ended this game for me.
  • ChrisA19978ChrisA19978 Member Posts: 55
    Oh I am done just made my Pokemon Go account so now it's time to catch them all with my family. I don't say it if I don't mean it. I was on the fence a few times but not anymore.
  • AquamaAquama Member Posts: 135
    how is growth for progressing players bad? So you're not top tier. Game is still majorly active for all levels. I would love to have 60 4 stars. Then I could work towards more 5s. I just don't get it. See ya though
  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    Oh I am done just made my Pokemon Go account so now it's time to catch them all with my family. I don't say it if I don't mean it. I was on the fence a few times but not anymore.

    congrats you actually did it. Now go and spend time with your family and save the money for your children's college or something.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,512 ★★★★★
    So....you're quitting the game because they're introducing something that maybe 1% of the Playe Base will be able to access about 6 months down the road. Up to you.
  • ChrisA19978ChrisA19978 Member Posts: 55
    It's the whole you work so hard to get what you get and then they add another level. It's going to be bad enough having 150 champs soon enough in the game they are not easy to obtain now you will have them as 2, 3, 4 5 and 6 star champs. At some point it gets exseive. I rather see them increase the ranks of 4 and 5 star champs then add another star. So make 4 star be able to go up to rank 6 and the same with 5 stars so you will have to use T2A, T5B. What they did is make it where you have to start another collection. Why do I want 5 or 6 of the same character just with a different star rating. Upping there max rank makes more sense and could still challenge people. 2 years from now they will have a 7 star champ last I remember 5 star is pretty much top Tier in everything you rate 1 to 5 star so I would think the game would do the same and just add the levels they can go up not the star rating and having to get the same champs over and over. Spin a 6 star champ and be like yes I got Captain America now as a 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 star champ doesn't seem all that exciting to me. But hey you have your opinion and I have mine. At some point it's gotta stop and to me it should of been with the 5 star champs and they could have fixed it to where all your hard work over the last 2 years wasn't for nothing where they could keep 4 and 5 stars reveliant but nope they want you to hunt for the same champs again on another star level.
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