I agree the recoil takes a lot of fun out of the game. it should be moved to the outter side. If you have full suicides, you still health less than damage taken, not to mention fighting heal blocked nodes. There are already enough negatives, recoil doesn't need to be one of them
I agree the recoil takes a lot of fun out of the game. it should be moved to the outter side. If you have full suicides, you still health less than damage taken, not to mention fighting heal blocked nodes. There are already enough negatives, recoil doesn't need to be one o
wait was there something different about Recoil before 12.0?
Yes, you gained like 5-10 health per second after DE bleed ran out. You could make your masteries so you constantly heal throughout the fight (after bleed ended). It was like a tiny regen engine for all your non-poison immune champs. Suicides were very unpopular after 12.0 for a bit due to this reason.
I agree the recoil takes a lot of fun out of the game. it should be moved to the outter side. If you have full suicides, you still health less than damage taken, not to mention fighting heal blocked nodes. There are already enough negatives, recoil doesn't need to be one of them
If that's the case than everyone will just run suicide which will reflect badly on the designers.
If recoil didn't exist, the only downside would be having 1 less point in energy resistance, etc. There are just too many characters at this point who flourish so much with suicides to remove the one firm downside.
I actually do hope that they add new similar masterys that work differently so that other characters could have a chance to benefit. There a plenty of negative side effects to play off of other than bleed and poison. Obvious choices include include shock and incinerate but they could also try things like reduced power gain. The key is to find traits that the work well with a different set of champions
I actually do hope that they add new similar masterys that work differently so that other characters could have a chance to benefit. There a plenty of negative side effects to play off of other than bleed and poison. Obvious choices include include shock and incinerate but they could also try things like reduced power gain. The key is to find traits that the work well with a different set of champions
*Nevermind* I just read the mastery. That’s not a bad deal.
Stop whining like a spoilt brat