How should we determine champions abilities?

CainCain Member Posts: 559 ★★
Symbiote Supreme’s description was wrong and was “updated” to fix him from being too powerful. She hulk had her heavy attack changed after years of remaining the same. My question is, how do we determine a champions ability and our decision to rank them? If I rank Cyclops as a Havok counter is he subject to have his special attack interaction with Havok changed? Is 100% bleed on parries by blade accurate? Will it change in the future? How do I decide who to rank?

How should we determine champions abilities? 10 votes

Go based on their description and spotlight
Eb0ny-O-M4w 1 vote
Go based on what you observe in game for years
Bahamut 1 vote
Champs abilities are never going to be known 100% and always subject to change
MagicBentonLvernon15Pwf57joke1004Reverend_RuckusCainGreekhitGinjabredMonsta 8 votes


  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Champs abilities are never going to be known 100% and always subject to change
    That’s the aftermath of releasing two champs monthly. They don’t have the time to test and calibrate interactions of new champs with older ones, and this is where the grey zones appear. This is a floating problem, that Kabam has to make a serious decisions on. So, whether release one champ per month, that would distress them and give them time to test before release, or employ more game testers, to sustain the same two champs per month tactics.
  • CainCain Member Posts: 559 ★★
    Champs abilities are never going to be known 100% and always subject to change
    Greekhit said:

    That’s the aftermath of releasing two champs monthly. They don’t have the time to test and calibrate interactions of new champs with older ones, and this is where the grey zones appear. This is a floating problem, that Kabam has to make a serious decisions on. So, whether release one champ per month, that would distress them and give them time to test before release, or employ more game testers, to sustain the same two champs per month tactics.

    Didn’t they have a whole beta for She Hulk? Where her abilities were tested and showcased by content creators?
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,933 ★★★★★
    Go based on their description and spotlight
    This would be the best for you to do. However as stated in the ToS, they can change a champion anytime they want to.
    So unfortunatly, you can never be 100% safe here. It can change anytime
  • XdonreXdonre Member Posts: 154
    It is obvious that Kabam is not big supporter of Quality Assurance a member of MCOC community I think we just learn to accept their disparity in quality until we move on.
  • CainCain Member Posts: 559 ★★
    Champs abilities are never going to be known 100% and always subject to change

    This would be the best for you to do. However as stated in the ToS, they can change a champion anytime they want to.
    So unfortunatly, you can never be 100% safe here. It can change anytime

    Like with Symbiote Supreme? Where apparently being able to place many staggers in one phase of his cycle is OP (still unsure how it’s OP)
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Champs abilities are never going to be known 100% and always subject to change
    ToS isn’t the holy bible or something. Many things on ToS are totally ridiculous and some are close to consumer rights violations. So avoid bringing TOS up like it is the absolute judgement for everything it’s really dumb.
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    Can we get a hope and pray option? At the rate champs are changing i am either going to stop spending money or quit the game. If i cant trust the spotlight and descriptions for champs that have been out close to or over a year i cant trust anything about the game or even the rng rates. I understand mistakes happen, but it shouldnt take a year to realize a mistake and change it. Ive used a ton of resources on champs that are having their descriptions changed through no fault of my own. It doesnt matter if the champ never performed wt the level the description stated like with SS. I was led to believe it was happening more often because of kabams error and i just was having poor rng luck.
  • CainCain Member Posts: 559 ★★
    Champs abilities are never going to be known 100% and always subject to change
    Prof Hoff, we need you 😅
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