Cavalier & Variant Guidance Please

PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,344 ★★★★★
I stopped story progression after becoming Uncollected and am looking to pick it up again - I think best bet will be to push for Cavalier and then go back to 100% Act 5?
I also haven't done any of the Variants yet.

Essentially I struggle with long-duration fights, especially those where 1 mistake and you're either KO or damn close to it.

Ultimately I need to just sit down and smash it all out when I'm not busy with AQ/AW.

That said - I'm eager to have some guidance on improvements I can make to my roster in preparation for any of these tasks - whether champs that will directly fill a gap for the difficult content, or else maybe to just help with Arena grinding which I am trying to do a bit more in order to get more units/crystals/gold/etc.

Taking up one of the 4/55s requires a couple more T2A (and a lot of T4CC for the Cosmic boys) so taking a 3/45 up to Rank 4 will delay that - not necessarily a bad thing, just something to balance up.

I've highlighted the champs by Rank just to make the differentiation clear:

Also my 5/50 4* Champs - if there are specific champs that would be of a big help at a 4* level, I may have them and just not ranked them up yet.

Finally my 6* Champs - both 1/25 - Hawkeye and Psylocke.

Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.


  • Nightbat214Nightbat214 Member Posts: 24
    Do you have a five star science awakening gem if so use it on void and depending on what your t2alphacc collection rank him up and I guess it's just whoever your better with and particular battles you struggle with like to do the act 6.2.6 THE CHAMPION boss I would really advise having a ranked up symbiote supreme for the first 90% because of how many buffs are on him and I myself at least used Stark Spiderman for the final 10% because of the five stacks of indestructible buff that only drains by one when using Dex against a special attack also act 5 100% I would advise using a map while doing it because unless you have a amazing memory then you will forget what paths you have already done because the camera locks in place during act 5.4 just like in lol sorry about this really long answer but I hope it helped😅
  • Nightbat214Nightbat214 Member Posts: 24
    Also that corvus glaive is really good for the short fights where you just have to get in there and just absolutely pound that health bar then he is good too just don't use a heavy buff relying champ like void on 5.4.6 Ultron because he gets a crazy regeneration for every debuff put on him
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,344 ★★★★★
    If I managed to awaken Void or Archangel then they'd be ranked up for sure - only awakening gem I have atm is Skill which I'm saving for whomever I pull first out of Blade, Aegon or Fury
  • Nightbat214Nightbat214 Member Posts: 24
    For the team you have right now I would advise 100% act 5 first it will take awhile but the rewards are worth it also my team for pretty easily 100% act five I would recommend five star Hyperion five star corvus glaive five star Medusa is pretty good but since it's not a rank 4 Medusa I don't think ghost Rider would work and probably either sentinel or gwenpool gwenpool was my main for 100% act 5 but mine is a rank 4 so maybe if you're willing to take her up it would be easier
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    I would strongly advise you to do a completion run of Variant 3, you have Sentinel, Ghost and IMIW at decent ranks so you should be able to complete it with ease and gain the extra resources to ultimately do Act 5 or 6 (I personally think Act 5 100% will be more beneficial first).
    You also have a very solid 5* roster considering your progression, some gems and you'll be sweet.
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