General Fight Mechanics

So, I have been noticing wierd fight mechanics since last update. Some of these include:
More difficult to Parry.
AI timing quicker.
AI punching quicker than Parry.
Player Hits (ghost) missing AI at random moments (not including Evade) and in the middle of combos (especially vs Sentinel).
Stuns breaking/ending a lot faster than ever before.
AI being able to strike you or launch a Special Attack right in the middle of your combo (not including while Unstoppable etc.)
I thought it was just me, but several Alliance members are echoing the same issues to me.
More difficult to Parry.
AI timing quicker.
AI punching quicker than Parry.
Player Hits (ghost) missing AI at random moments (not including Evade) and in the middle of combos (especially vs Sentinel).
Stuns breaking/ending a lot faster than ever before.
AI being able to strike you or launch a Special Attack right in the middle of your combo (not including while Unstoppable etc.)
I thought it was just me, but several Alliance members are echoing the same issues to me.
They are making it harder
(it's not consistent, however, so trying to nail down a concrete example is tough)
I believe they try to speed up the AI more and more which changes the interface. Biggest reason I think this is the specials while blocking issue.
I think we are referring to the same thing - that was "corrected" with X-23 and Loki. Basically, if you counter too quickly, especially after specials and with flyers/jumpers, you miss completely. It is not an evade, block, or game mechanic miss. Just nothing, no message and then the AI hit recovers and lights you up.
Recently the AI seems to recover quicker than I can get a special attack off. The inconsistencies are getting too much too often. Glad to know I'm not the only one noticing it.