No, but Ghost Rider's new smoke effect is annoying the heck out of me. At the end of every fight it looks like a missile just got fired out the back of his head
I'm sorry guys I was supposed to clean those floors months ago. I get distracted playing this mobile game where you collect and battle against comic book characters. Anyway, battery died so I got back to work. Try not to scuff them up too bad (talking to you Sabertooth)
No, but Ghost Rider's new smoke effect is annoying the heck out of me. At the end of every fight it looks like a missile just got fired out the back of his head
I noticed on the Ultron map on the right wall that there is a spray painted picture of Hulk. Never noticed that before. Also, we need more backgrounds.
At the end of every fight it looks like a missile just got fired out the back of his head
Also, we need more backgrounds.