
Bad 6* luck vs good 6* luck

I have 5 6*s, 4 of them r trash and they were my last 4 ones, after my 1st 6* in January which was cap IW the rest r really bad, and my luck has been bad again. My 6*s r, cap IW, DD classic, miles, magneto and KG which I pulled KG yesterday. My luck is crazy, it’s like I pull a bunch of bad 5*s and 6* then one time I’ll get something okay and then it goes back down and repeat. Ik this is a luck based game, but it sucks for free to play players like me, how is everyone’s 6* luck?


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    Chris1212123Chris1212123 Posts: 320
    I’ve had good luck
    My first was beast which I wasn’t happy about but after him they’ve all been useful.
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    ahock101ahock101 Posts: 118
    Opened 2 6 star crystals both were dpx.....
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    AstoundsAstounds Posts: 323 ★★
    I'm middle of the pack. IMIW, Ghulk. Then a bishop... so not bad at all. But you get garbage streaks, I had around 20 5 star garbage pulls til I got CG recently.
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    AddyosAddyos Posts: 1,090 ★★★★
    Consider yourself lucky you have at least one 6* worthy of taking to r2 and beyond. Many do not.
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    spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    I get one good pull out of every 5. Oddly enough the exact same rate on my 5*s.
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    FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    My 6* luck has started good so far with my first being psylocke
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    jkcjmijijkcjmiji Posts: 283
    ahock101 said:

    Opened 2 6 star crystals both were dpx.....

    I feel your pain my friend, but as you mentioned, he is due for a buff... or maybe not? who knows :)
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    HendrossHendross Posts: 953 ★★★
    Addyos said:

    Consider yourself lucky you have at least one 6* worthy of taking to r2 and beyond. Many do not.

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    Patchie93Patchie93 Posts: 1,898 ★★★★

    My luck is good so far
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    Zayo_278Zayo_278 Posts: 264
    You know a machine is incapable of true randomness. RNG would only behave exactly as it was programmed to do. There's a fixed algorithm that determines what you get when you open that crystal. kabam( and whatever math geniuses we have here) alone know this algorithm. It's trash to say when you spin or open a crystal, you get whatever you get based on luck when it's more accurate to say, even before you spin /open that crystal...what you'd get has been predetermined
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    Zayo_278Zayo_278 Posts: 264
    Which is why I never spin crystals. Save yourself the trouble of seeing certain Desired champs scroll past.
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    Sinedd92Sinedd92 Posts: 95

    I use only the soldier with killmonger, so I got no tier S 6* champs
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    Zayo_278 said:

    You know a machine is incapable of true randomness. RNG would only behave exactly as it was programmed to do. There's a fixed algorithm that determines what you get when you open that crystal. kabam( and whatever math geniuses we have here) alone know this algorithm. It's trash to say when you spin or open a crystal, you get whatever you get based on luck when it's more accurate to say, even before you spin /open that crystal...what you'd get has been predetermined

    Crystals aren't predetermined. Even if you subscribe to the "true randomness" nonsense, PRNGs generate a sequence of numbers. In other words, the best you can say is that the sequence of crystal openings the game generates is in some sense predetermined by the rules of mathematics (and by the entropy seed which itself is significantly random). But the precise moment when you choose to open a crystal changes which random roll generates your crystal opening. Since you determine the moment when you open crystals, your crystal openings are only predetermined if your entire life is.

    Consider the world's worst random number generator: all it spits out is 0,1,0,1,0,1... alternating zeros and ones. This is as horrible an RNG as you can imagine. And let's make a crystal that uses it: zero chooses Deadpool X-force, one chooses Corvus. At the instant you open your crystal, the game server is going to either generate a zero or a one, based on where it is in the order. If you knew what the previous person opened you could predict with certainty what you will get. But there's no real way to know with certainty what the previous player opened, unless you're standing right next to them. The moment you open your crystal, along with everyone else, determines which one you get. So even for the worlds worst PRNG, your crystal result isn't "predetermined." It is determined by when you open.

    In actual practice, real PRNGs generate random sequences far more unpredictable than that, so that even if you did know what the previous opening was, or even the previous million openings, you couldn't be sure where in the sequence the RNG was, so you couldn't know how long to wait before a "good" roll came up. You'd have to pick a moment to open and take your chances. In that sense, crystal openings are "random enough." You don't know what you're going to get until you open your crystal, and neither does anyone else until the instant you take the action to open.
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    StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Posts: 5,017 ★★★★★
    I have opened five six crystals and I consider myself to have very good luck. In order, I have pulled Ghost, Elektra, Moonknight, Corvus Glaive, and Korg. Ghost and Corvus are both at r2 now and I use Moonknight for his synergy with my five star Namor. Korg goes on defense and Elektra is just there for arena points, though I do love playing her.
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    Bear3Bear3 Posts: 996 ★★★
    People don’t know what bad luck is honestly. They say “I got Corvus or Cap IW but then there were 4-5 bad ones!” Seriously? You think getting a beyond god tier champ 1/5 times is bad luck?!! I have 18 6*’s and one of them is def Corvus and I feel super lucky to have gotten him. 1/18 though. After that Jane Foster, Dpx, beast, juggy, hulk buster, king groot, cap marvel (classic), Karnak, iron fist, diablo, vulture... I’ll save you some time the rest of the list doesn’t get better. I still feel lucky to have Corvus. You have 1 god tier or beyond god tier out of 5-7 pulls? Consider yourself VERY lucky.

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