Your mom likes our alliance....

Maybe, I really dont know....

We're a great group of folks that have become friends. We're looking to grow our burgeoning alliance with folks with Maps 4 and 5 experience that play at or above Gold level. We use Line for coms and are very active in war and quest.

Cime help build this into something great and do it with folks that enjoy making each other laugh and enjoy the game. We're not high pressure but do expect involvment and communication.

What are you waiting for? Your mom wants you to so......


  • GoodtimesjimmyGoodtimesjimmy Member Posts: 25
    What is your Alliance called? I’ll check with my mom and see if you’re lying
  • NesheckNesheck Member Posts: 50
    Derivative is our alliance name. Make sure to say i complemented her breakfast making abilities....... She'll know.
  • NesheckNesheck Member Posts: 50
    Look me up in game as Nesheck or on Line app and we can talk. Prospective members should be willing to communicate with Line, 200k+ hero rating and at least lvl 40. Current members were in a gold alliance and building our alliance, Derivative, to that point and beyond.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
  • NesheckNesheck Member Posts: 50
    Looking for quality folks to help build to gold. Current players are experienced and were at gold before starting this alliance.
  • NesheckNesheck Member Posts: 50
    What are you waiting for?
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