What will you do with your 5 star class awakening gem



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  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Honestly, I'll probably throw it one a trash champ and see what happens.
    Science: Ant-Man (I actually use him for Quantum Trinity so maybe not) or Sentry
    Skill: Taskmaster or Thor
    Mutant: Gambit or Bishop (I might actually use this one on Havok since I really love him and want him awakened)
    Cosmic: Groot or Superior Iron Man
    Tech: Howard the Duck
    Mystic: Loki or Thor Jane Foster.
    Or I might throw it on one of my good champs and actually progress further, depends on how I'm feeling that day
    Mystic: Save it for someone
    Tech: Ghost (I have a 6 star r2 one but I want a second one with the awakened ability)
    Cosmic: Venom (My only r5 who I haven't awakened yet and he was my third five star!)
    Mutant: Havok
    Skill: Blade
    Science: Cap Infinity War
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  • JerkobsonJerkobson Member Posts: 163 ★★
    edited September 2019
    Only one i really want is mutant for namor
    Not looking at ranking 5* much anymore unless I have a rank up gem. (Got a mutant 4-5 gem)

    Have tech, cosmic and skill in inventory. No need for mystic or science.

    So I’m not holding out much hope for this gem.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    doctorb said:

    Maybe blade or emma frost or wasp.
    R any of them still worth it?

    Emma doesn't need it for attack and is getting dated as a defender. Wasp really does not gain a ton of value from it
  • Bear3Bear3 Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    Personally I’m gonna awaken someone with my gem.🤫


    Ok non joke answer

    Skill: I’ll have 2 can’t use either
    Science: void
    Mystic: Sym or save for CV
    Cosmic: Cap Marvel Movie
    Tech: I’ll have 3 and can’t use any
    Mutant: I’ll have 3 and can’t use any

    Mainly hoping for Cosmic...

  • Nick1109Nick1109 Member Posts: 598 ★★★
    I'm just looking for a cosmic for my Medusa but I wouldn't mind a mutant.
  • Bawa69Bawa69 Member Posts: 489 ★★★
    science - thing
    skill - save
    cosmic - save / annihilus
    mutant - domino
    tech - save
    mystic - magik / morningstar
  • DPXFistheGOATDPXFistheGOAT Member Posts: 727 ★★★
    I have one champ worthy of that honor and that is Omega Red. Any other class i dont care for
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Tech save
    Cosmic medusa
    Mystic kill myself, I’ve already got 3
    Science save for void
    Skill save for blade or nick
    Mutant save for namor
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    Tech: I have Sentinel and Darkhawk, not sure which I should awaken
    Science: Save
    Skill: I have Blade and Ægon but no question it's going on Ægon.
    Mystic: Save
    Mutant: Save (I have Iceman but don't think he is worth a gem)
    Cosmic: Save/use on Medusa
  • HedronHedron Member Posts: 359
    Skill for aegon
    Otherwise I have carnage, storm and howard which I won't be awakening
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Tech: Sparky
    Mutant: Domino
    Skill: Aegon
    Cosmic: Captain Sparkles or Hyperion
    Mystic: Guillotine or hold
    Science: Void
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★
    I actually have a nice problem if its a tech gem, being ghost, starlord or Stark spiderman.

    I dont have anyone worthy in the other classes.
    Mutant: I have one, so I'll chuck the other into emma frost
    Skill: hold
    Science: Hold
    Mystic: Mayyyybe Symbiote Supreme
    Cosmic: Medusa
    Tech: Starlord/Sentinel
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    edited September 2019
    Main account
    Skill, put it with the other one I have
    Mystic, put it with the other one I have
    Tech, put it with the other one I have
    Mutant, Omega Red
    Science, maybe Void. Not sure on that one
    Cosmic, Cap Marvel movie, Corvus, Medusa, Venom. Save it for Hyperion

    Second account
    Science, maybe Void
    Cosmic, Corvus
    Mystic, maybe Sym Supreme
    Anything else will get saved

    Edited because I forgot I have a rank 4 Cap Marvel movie on my main 😆
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Knowing my luck it will be tech or cosmic which means it will sit in my inventory for months. My roster of 20 plus 5s isn't composed of much more than 5 star garbage drops, a couple of "meh" and maybe two "if only" s.
  • XdSpoodermanxDXdSpoodermanxD Member Posts: 531 ★★★
    Science: Void
    Mystic: Doctor Voodoo
    Mutant: Scream at it and let it sit in my inventory
    Skill: Scream at it and let it sit in my inventory
    Tech: Scream at it and let it sit in my inventory
    Cosmic: Scream at it and let it sit in my inventory
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  • Supremeguy95Supremeguy95 Member Posts: 447 ★★
    Science: Void
    Mystic: Save it.
    Cosmic: Hyperion
    Tech: Save it
    Mutant: Havok (Might save it for Omega)
    Skill: Already have one lol (Waiting for Blade, Aegon or Fury)
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Skill: Cry

    Mutant: Save it

    Tech: Save it for when Howard and Iron Patriot get buffed.

    Cosmic: Save it.

    Mystic: Save it.

    Science: Maybe RagnaHulk.

    ...Most of the champions that I want awakened I’ve already managed to awaken from lucky drops from other AG crystals.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,463 ★★★★★
    Mystic: Magik
    Cosmic: CM MCU
    Skill: Hold
    Mutant: Hold or ST
    Tech: toss phone
    Science: cry

    Dr. Zola
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    mystic - blehhh
    cosmic - cull ??
    tech - mehh
    mutant - holding one since last 20 months
    science - holding one since 2 weeks
    skill - nick fury (althought cry since i took NT to R5 bcayse he was awakened n high sig) 😂
  • Ragnaroky12Ragnaroky12 Member Posts: 62
    edited September 2019
    Science: Cap IW (best scenario)
    Tech: maybe Darkhawk? I'm not sure because he's lagging while i use him
    Mystic: morningstar or dr voodo could be useful, but i'm not sure right now
    Skill: nobody, i've just used two gems on killmonger and blade
    Mutant and cosmic: i already have those gems, but i don't have valid champs.

    Substantially i only need science gem.

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  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    Science: Thing
    Every other class: Sit in my inventory (guessing I will hit my fourth Skill gem)
  • LrrrrLrrrr Member Posts: 234 ★★
    Mutant: namor
    Tech: sl or sparky
    Cosmic: save
    Mystic: voodoo, magik, or save
    Skill: save
    Science: CAIW, thing, wasp, or ghulk.

    Any input on my tech, mystic or science debate would be appreciated!
  • Lpirnie5321Lpirnie5321 Member Posts: 113
    Mystic - Dr Voodoo
    Science - SpiderGwen or MODOK (for wars)
    Cosmic- Venom or Corvus
    Tech - either Dark Hawk or hold it
    Mutant - hold it
    Skill - Blade
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