Newly restuctured

USA, UK, and Canada alliance looking for mature players summoner level 35+, few rules, no line app, but have one. Name Asgardians of the Galaxy. Aq mostly for adults, kids that play well are welcome. No poaching and no leaching.


  • Herne53Herne53 Member Posts: 4
    Only have 10 players now, kicked 10 who lived 10+ hours away from rest of alliance
  • BigdzimBigdzim Member Posts: 2
    We are looking to merge have 18 players but we are a sa based alliance the differance in time zones could be advantageous line me if u are interested line Id is bigdzimbo or u can whatsapp
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    edited September 2019
    Well if you want to merge with us, you wouldn't even have to get used to a new name. We're Asgardians of the Galaxy and English as well. Based in the US. Everyone is either the same or very close time zone.

    18 players. We're AQ oriented Maps 3 and 4 with the occasional war. Looking for some more players. Check us out. My in-game name is same as here and the alliance tag is Laqq. I'm just taking a guess that we're not in the same alliance cause your name isn't there and we have 18 players, not 10. 😂.
    Same goes for you @Bigdzim. But I don't have line or Whatsapp. Feel free to check us out though!
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