The Premature Release of 6star Champions

First off, I want to say thank you for trying to be more forthcoming with releasing information early that impacts the community/players and the game we all love in a big way. It’s nice to know what you guys have in store for us and is always exciting to get big news!

However, this recent announcement about 6star champions was probably not received you way you had hoped it would be. Now, I can’t speak for all players, but I can speak for my team, and the other top players that have contacted me and we’ re more shocked and angry than excited I would say. Most are not happy at all about this announcement and think it’s time to finally give this game up.

Now you may ask yourself why we aren’t happy about this? Don’t you want more power!? Why wouldn’t you want six star champs!?”

Well, let me give you an example. Let’s say you have been saving for awhile to get that brand new car you have always wanted. You wait for the newest body style to come out so when you make that purchase, your investment doesn’t lose its value and rapidly depreciate. Nobody wants the old body style of their favorite car. You want that new one so it retains its value and you can look cooler longer, right?

So right after signing on that dotted line, for that car you have always wanted, you see a semi roll in to the dealership with a trailer full of an even newer body style of that same model car! Wtf right??? You would expect a decent amount of time before the company would think about changing the body style on that model because you did your research and patiently waited for that “new body” and the salesman even told you, you have nothing to worry about! You would be pretty angry right? Now your new car is instantly old and you haven’t even drove it off the lot yet!

Well, that’s how we feel about the release of 6star champions except nobody even wants this new “body style” yet. NOT ONE player has even maxed out a 5 star champ. The materials haven’t even been released yet! Why would 6star champions even be considered for release? We have barely even got to use our 5stars ! Some of us haven’t even been lucky enough to spin a featured champ!

Is this the solution to maxing out 5star sig levels? Because I am pretty sure this is not what we had in mind, nor would we even consider this as a possible solution. This announcement literally came out of nowhere and we are all a bit shocked and not happy about it all. None of us even understand why this would be considered except purely as a money grab. A money grab that we WILL NOT donate to. There isn’t one person who has all the 5 stars that are available. I am also pretty sure there isn’t one person who wants another iron patriot or Hulkbuster, especially as a 6 star!

It has been SOOO hard to even collect the 5stars that we do have, and now you are telling us that it’s all going to be for nothing come early 2018. I can understand the release of 6stars to be used as content for us to compete against, but for us to use and acquire? No. It’s just way to early for them to be released. Like I said, nobody has even maxed out a 5star!

We understand you want to bring us new content but this is the laziest way to do it. Cool, your adding a star level and regurgitating the same old camps that we already have and now we have to pay for the new set. 5stars were that line when you switched from 4stars. 6stars, crosses that line where we say enough is enough and just demotivates us to even collect anymore and say goodbye. We don’t want to start over AGAIN. We haven’t even got to collect the 5s yet.

The game doesn’t need 6stars right now. It needs new and exciting content for us to play. Base wars? Real time pvp interaction? Tournaments? Skills challenges? Gears? Something! Anything else would be better than telling us that we have to start our collections over and commit to spending more and more money that we just can’t or don’t want to have to spend.

I have already wrote more than I wanted to and more than anyone wants to read but WE hope that you will consider delaying this and come up with another way to make the game more exciting or I’m afraid most will call it quits. It’s not a threat, just how we truly feel. There’s much more to say but I will let others tell you how they feel and I’m sure there are plenty of other posts addressing their discontent on the same topic.


  • Nickig7Nickig7 Member Posts: 11
    That's what I've been saying, I don't even have three 5*'s yet. But in about 5 months (Wich is about how much time it took me to get my first 5*) they're going to add 6*'s it'll probably be 2019 before I get a 6*. 2020 before it's duped
  • kish_akish_a Member Posts: 21
    Kabam, use ur own Metric to decide when ppl are ready for a new tier of Champs... When u introduced 5* a lot of us were pulling one 4* per week... Untill we get to a point where we can open a 5* crystal every week.. 6* shouldn't even be mentioned
  • NonuNonu Member Posts: 28
    edited August 2017
    Kabam Basically is Recycling Old content rather than introducing newer content.
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    I can understand the release of 6stars to be used as content for us to compete against, but for us to use and acquire? No. It’s just way to early for them to be released. Like I said, nobody has even maxed out a 5star!

    You are okay fighting against 6-stars, but you don't them to be playable!? Why? It's in our benefit to have stronger variants of the champs.

    And as they said, they'll release t5b's soon (5.3 most probably) so we can have atleast 1 or 2 max 5*s. Normally on duping 5*s you'd get nothing, Now they're giving us shards for something that won't be in game for ~6 months. I think that's good for us.
    If you don't want 6*s don't spend, play the game for fun. Maxed 5*s would be able to go through Act 5 easily i think. Maybe even first 2 chapters of Act 6.
  • Hulk_77Hulk_77 Member Posts: 782 ★★★
    Hi, another endgame player here.

    While I agree that the 6*s coming early 2018 feels a bit too soon, I think that people should just toughen up a bit. The game has to march forward. Their initial plan (gear, challenger rating) was completely tossed out because of the community's reaction. This is their new plan. Unless you want the game to completely stagnate, they need to do things like this. I'm thrilled they gave us a 6 months out heads up and are implementing the shards for 5* dupes now. I'm a little sad that rank 5 5*s won't have a long time in the sun, but hey, it's not the worst thing ever.
  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    Yeah but his 'opinion' doesn't add up. He says he understands 6* are over 6 months away before even possible to open one, but doesn't seem to understand it at the same time. He says 'we haven't even maxed a 5* yet', but doesn't understand that you WILL finish a 5* before 6* come. And when they do come, you won't be able to rank a 6* higher than a 5* for a while just like 4*/5*. 6* is a very longterm project in getting a champ you want, duping it like 5 times so it's useful and such so, that makes this a complaint thread not an opinion thread

    You do realise who you are referring to... right...
  • Solrac_2Solrac_2 Member Posts: 497 ★★
    Agree with the OP 100%. The introduction of 6* devalues all the time, energy, and money spent on the game. This is an endless, vicious cycle with the purpose of extracting more $. BTW, 7* will be introduced in 2020, but Kabam will sell 6* signature stones the month before for $100.
  • Spartacus29Spartacus29 Member Posts: 90
    This is a lot of complaining about something well in the future that is a non issue imo.

    5 star rank 5's will be dominant in the game for at least a year. Look at how long 5*s have been out. The best of the best have a total of 7 r4s. That still makes 4 star champs usable after all this time.

    The same thing will happen with 5 and 6 stars. 6 stars will be released in the future but won't be upgradable to better than a 5* rank 5 for a long long time. Just relax guys.

    I'm glad the game team let us know so early. Better than hearing it in 6 months as they release the champs.
  • WorkingAsIntendedWorkingAsIntended Member Posts: 164 ★★
    edited August 2017
    You all fail to realize is beint is a top guy and he is saying he wants out. I don't know if you all know who he is but go to the trophy click total hero base and scroll down you will see his name. So instead of arguing with him a guy who clearly has done it all in this game. Listen to what he says he has more input then most of us. And I agree with everything he said. 6*s are a few months away!!! A few not a year a few months away. I have roughly 12 5* myself and I can barely dupe them in a 10mil plus ally. Your gaining the notion kabam will just hand you over 5*s they won't. Middle tier and bottom tier will be completely wiped out. But more so like he said who wants to start over again and again? Who wants to write there thesis twice? I sure as hell do not.

    If your going to add 5*? Things you should do. Fix all the useless garbage champs you added make them useful. I don't know in what world a 6* Kamala Kahn is useful? Make 5* arenas starting off with milestone rewards. Making it easy for everyone to gain them in he beginning without much work. Then change said system after a run through of basic 5*s aka the starting ones. Then change the phc to include 5*s for everyone not just the grandmaster uncollected. Take the 2*s out. Basically your going to need to make 5* accessible like 4* are currently.

    A new concept I'd like since some of the 4* sw Thor etc will probably not be 5&6* champs you need to add a 6th rank to 4*.keeping them still useful but not overly powerful. Maybe for those uncollected or maybe a small fee to have some kind of advanced research certificate or unlocked extra power. Not sure what to call it.

    Fix the skill tree to not require any points in any offense defense and utility to unlock. Meaning cut the bs of having to have 15 PTs minimum in the basic offense tree to get into the more advanced good stuff nobody cares about lesser cruelty when there lvl 60. This would be a good place to start.
  • CDNYCCDNYC Member Posts: 17
    There's no less creative and more boring way to extend the game and extend the revenue stream than to slap in 6* champs. They should never be launched. I understand needing to keep a revenue stream going, but don't spit in our face with such a lazy solution. Earn it a reasonable way. Introduce gear or extend the maximum rank and signature ability levels of 5* champs.

    CD, awakened
  • wray1976wray1976 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    Yeah but his 'opinion' doesn't add up. He says he understands 6* are over 6 months away before even possible to open one, but doesn't seem to understand it at the same time. He says 'we haven't even maxed a 5* yet', but doesn't understand that you WILL finish a 5* before 6* come. And when they do come, you won't be able to rank a 6* higher than a 5* for a while just like 4*/5*. 6* is a very longterm project in getting a champ you want, duping it like 5 times so it's useful and such so, that makes this a complaint thread not an opinion thread

    I value his opinion over yours though. Seems many others do as well. Enjoy the sinking ship.
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