Boss Rush/ Captain Marvel Bug

For some reason in the Captain Marvel fight I'm not gaining the 125% life steal buff. I know the percentage is based off class relationships, but it doesn't matter which class I use. I'm not gaining any health for damage done at all. However, I'm still degenerating the 2%. I've used tech, skill, mutant, and cosmic champs. It's the same for all. I've wasted units on revives, and it's pretty annoying.


  • Son_of_OdinSon_of_Odin Member Posts: 50
    edited September 2019
    Did you mean Invisible Woman? I'm not sure there is a CM in the boss rush challenge. IW has force field that absorbs a lot of the damage if I'm not mistaken.
  • DeviousLoverDeviousLover Member Posts: 16

    Was Invisible Woman's force field active? It absorbs a lot of the damagae if I'm not mistaken.

    No. I assumed that was the case at first, but it happens when her force field is inactive. Great point out though. I forgot to mention that.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★

    Was Invisible Woman's force field active? It absorbs a lot of the damagae if I'm not mistaken.

    No. I assumed that was the case at first, but it happens when her force field is inactive. Great point out though. I forgot to mention that.
    I’ve done 6 runs to gett all the titles and haven’t experienced this, you hit a video?
  • DeviousLoverDeviousLover Member Posts: 16
    Lvernon15 said:

    Was Invisible Woman's force field active? It absorbs a lot of the damagae if I'm not mistaken.

    No. I assumed that was the case at first, but it happens when her force field is inactive. Great point out though. I forgot to mention that.
    I’ve done 6 runs to gett all the titles and haven’t experienced this, you hit a video?
    Unfortunately, I don't have video. I ran through it yesterday and didn't experience this.

    And yes, I apologize, I meant invisible woman.
  • DeviousLoverDeviousLover Member Posts: 16
    I should clarify, by "ran through yesterday" I mean I got passed IW. I never completed the entire run though.
  • MadcatMadcat Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    Did it three times today - used SL for that fight and had no issues with healing up, especially when her force field was on CD.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,528 ★★★★★
    Well ther is a smail point wher u deal no danmged after the fuce filed is down u star dealings better ther u helling.
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