Looking for active 200k+ players for Q and W

We are Derivative, we started as a refugee from an alliance that lacked communication. We were mostly officers who decided to leave and start over. Others followed.
We are now looking to achieve our former gold 2 status and are well on our way.
If you would like to join us and help accomplish this task, we require communication and use of the Line app. You can find me on there as east50_916 or in game as East50_916 or look for Nesheck in game and on Line app.
Message us for more info.
In closing, sorry but we are not interested in any merger at this time. Thank you.


  • NesheckNesheck Member Posts: 50
    We still have 3 spots to fill if you're interested in a good group of fun folks to play this game with.
  • Kaladin_Kaladin_ Member Posts: 391
    Why dose it have to be 200k? What does that number represent for you?
  • NesheckNesheck Member Posts: 50
    200k is a base line hero toral value. Generally people with rhat number and above have champs in the range we're looking for. I could have also said a base attack team of 20k or above but most dont know how to find that number. I could have asked for members ro be uncollected but some.of our groul arent yet and that seemed unreasonable to require at this time.

    Thank you for.your question.
  • NesheckNesheck Member Posts: 50
    Our roster is now full
  • NesheckNesheck Member Posts: 50
    We have room for 1-2 strong active players
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